University of Illinois at Chicago Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Illinois at Chicago know before they start?


Have Fun!


I would have to say that parents have to take into consideration the graduation rate, the success of the students coming out of the school, the costs of tuitions, financial aid possibilities and living expenses (if considering, on campus living). If you want to make the most out of your college experience, you should get to know as many people as possible. You will never know when you may need something and you know the right person for the job. Talk to your advisors, they know a lot about the tricks of succeeding and scholarship opportunities. They always some type of information that will help you in the long run. They always say this, but sometimes it is true. Knowledge is everything but at times, it's not what you know, it's who you know.


My advice would be to check out each school. Statis, campus, dorms and neighborhood around campus. Also check out the program your child or yourself want to go into. It is best to go into a college where your field has good teachers and a good program to follow.


go to campus tours and ask a lot of questions


During either a high school student's Junior and Senior year of high school, a prospective student should go with their parents on college visits to the schools that he or she are interested in. At these college visits, a prospective student will be able to get a feel of campus life and learn more information about their college. Prospective students should also research information about the different colleges that pertain to their major and what they want to do with their future careers. To make the most of their college experience, college students should keep an open mind when meeting different people from different backgrounds and countries. They should also join clubs to help them meet more people and life-long friends. College students should try to join clubs that pertain to their major or pre-health related tract. These clubs will allow students more exposure to their future careers. College students should also join clubs that interest them, some examples are Volleyball Club, a Rugby team, a dance troupe, Intramurals sports, or volunteering organizations. College students should also try to get an on-campus job because the jobs are convenient and a great way to meet new people.


My advice for parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to take their time in their adventure of choosing a perfect college. College is a place where young adults grow into mature and knowledgeful adults. A good college consists of a diverse population and teachers and advisors that would be available to provide assistance to students. Location of a college is a crucial factor because the college is going to be like a second home to the student. Many colleges are best known for their specific research or major areas so it is for the student's best interest to start thinking about which major or occupation that would best suit them because it can be an important deciding factor for choosing a college.


Don't let money stand in the way from going to the school the person will feel the best in. The right atmosphere helps a lot with learning.


just to be prepared to do a lot of work.


Parents should come over and see the university themeselves. They should talk to academic advisers, professors and alumni in order to get some more information about the university and the way it works.


visit campus before you apply; make sure its the right fit for you. also try to find some organizations to get involved in before you start.