University of Illinois at Chicago Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Illinois at Chicago know before they start?


Understand what you or your child wants out of a school. If they can handle large crowds and socializing, state schools would be okay. However if you like smaller, intimate settings or places where the professor will know you one on one liberal arts colleges are a better outlet. And you don't need to know what you want to be when you go into college - what's more important is knowing what kind of person you want to develop into and what you will bring to society.


Not everyone knows what they want to do right out of highschool so it is important to just go with what you feel is right for you and your future. Choose a college that best fits you but at the same time will encourage you to learn and grow. It is important to go to a school that inspires your future to be SOMEONE. Going to college is the first BIG step in getting your life started so it is important to choose the school for YOU. It is important to take advantage of what the college has to offer because those opportunites are there for a reason! Expereience and do as much as you can in your college years beacause time goes by so fast and you will never get that chance again once you are out in the real world with a job. GOOD LUCK!!!


It really depends on the student preference in school. If they just want to be a number or if they want to be known by the staff.


Allow the students to stay at the school during a week of school at the university to see if they like the atmosphere.


College is NOT high school. If taken seriously from the very begining you would have no problems at all.


For a student, I would tell them that foremost, they need to make a decision that best suits their educational goals. While it is important to like the campus and the city, most people grow to like their campus, if they do not immediately like it. College really is the best time of your life, so enjoy it while you can. Though you should make sure to study enough, you need to also make sure that you have fun. Apply for as many scholarships as you can so that you can graduate with as little debt as possible. For parents, I would tell them to allow your student to live on campus. Living with fellow college students allows them to find their group, but more importantly, find themselves. Understand that school is stressful, and that they often need time to go out and have fun, so respect this need. Your child will always need you, so show that you are there for them by calling periodically and sending care packages. Most importantly, though, allow your child to become an adult, and allow them to make their own decisions.


Do not let money be the deciding factor when choosing the right college. It is important that you talk to the financial aid offices of all the colleges that you apply to and see what they have to offer you. Also, it is best to visit all the colleges that you applied to, provided that you applied to more than one which you should have. In order for students to get the most out of their college experience, they have to get involved on campus with some of the many campus clubs or organizations. At the same time, it is important for students to remember why they are in college, and to be able to separate social life from academics. Doing these things not only increases your chances of success in college but at the same time it helps with what ever comes your way in the future.


I would suggest making a list of everything that the student wants out of a college and what they expect that experience to be like. Discuss what is feesible and then always take a tour of the schools you are looking at attending. Ask questions and never be afraid to apply to more than one school. Start early in your desicion making processes and look for certain aspects from the school that are most important to you. A school will never have everything that the student and parents are looking for, but one that has a good compromise is always worth trying. The student should always try to get involved with clubs and organizations, or on-campus jobs. This opens up the student to meeting new people and making friends, thus creating a support group that you can rely on when school seems overwhelming. I also suggest living on-campus. It's a learning experience that has a lot of value. It teaches respect and sharing and forces individuals to bond and cope with differences. Usually roommates become close friends and it's just one more positive force in the campus life.


Just let your children go to the schools that they wish to enroll in, and let them decide where they want to go. college is a fun time, and at some times it is hard. the benefits of college outway the cons, so it is a good choice to go where you want so that you control your future.


Parents should be supportive of their child's descion. Allow their children to feel free when it comes to choosing a school. But students should carefully research schools.