Make college visits.
I would suggest to strongly consider what type of environment you would like to be in throughout your college education. If you want a typical college experience, go to a Big 10 school, or something similar. If you are more independent, city schools are great. A lot of people are dissatisfied with where they choose to go to college so try to tour the school and speak to students that go there before you make your decision.
A lot of high school students are so eager to leave home that they will jump into any setting where their bedroom is not under their parent's name. Of those eager students, some survive and some don't. It's all about picking the right institution. At UIC, for example some kids spend a while wading at the shore, then eventually drown in the sea of students. In the past two years of attending this massive university, some times it feels as though I have not seen the same face twice, except of course for the ones that belong to my friends. If you know you are the type that always needs that extra push from someone to get stuff done, then a big state school is not the proper scene and you should go with a small university, where you can recieve more personal attention and extra motivation. In college, you are given the gift of time and who you are when you graduate is a direct reflection of how you spent every single minute. Allocate it to the right place, manage it intelligently and you will, without a doubt, flourish and have the time of your life.
Don't go to a college that will put you in debt. When you graduate it will be difficult to have to pay off thousands of dollars of school loans.
Start getting focused on college early, know what you want to major in so you can take the right classes at the right time and don't end up wasting credit hours on classes you thought you needed for the particular major you wanted at the time. It's not all about partying and social life, in the end your career depends on how well you did in college.
Make sure it's right for you. Setting a standard for yourself helps when choosing colleges. If money is a problem, then going to community college and transferring may be the better idea to save money. If it isn't, find a college that has programs that fit your interests or major(s). Upon attending classes and have some time on your hands, join as many activities as possible. It's a great way to network and keep yourself busy if you have time to spare.
check out the campus! get a feel for the school. when i stepped onto my campus for the first time, saw the people, and the view i new it was the right place for me!
Explore your options thoroughly, don't just weigh one category such as academics or friends, weigh them all equal. Make sure to tour the school maybe even a few times throughout the school year and talk to actual students, don't rely on advisors for advice.
Just sit down and think about everything.
Apply early and learn a lot about the campus life.