University of Illinois at Springfield Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Illinois at Springfield know before they start?


For parents and students looking for the perfect college, I would tell them to take your time on your pick. It is a life changing decision. I would tell the student not to stress out over applications. Remember the school isn't choosing you, you are choosing the school. Also, step out of your boundries a little. This might be your only time to live in an enviornment that you might not usually live in. This will help you to learn about others, which in the end will make you more tolerant. To make the most out of your college experience, I believe that there are three things that you must do. The first is to study and get help if you need it. Take advantage of study groups, tutors, and question sessions. The second thing you must do is become active. Sign-up for clubs or intermurals. These will give you a break from the books and will allow you to make friends. The last piece of advice I would give is get sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, you will not be able to perform at your highest level in class and other activites.


I think having a son /daughter attend a college in the same area for the first two years of college as their home is the best advice. I went away as a freshman, and didn't have a bit of sense. It was party time. There was too much freedom with too little guidance or discipline.