University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign accurate?


I would say these sterotypes are certainly accurate. I have been through two years so far as an Molecular and Cellular Biology major, my GPA is decient and I always try to find time to balance study and fun. There are many TA's, but do not underestimate their knowledge as they have both been through the course material and excelled greatly.


Yeah for the most part.


I hate to say it but they kinda are. I never joined a frat but I played hockey and lived with kids from frats so I kinda got a mixture of the both worlds. Coming from a liberal high school nicknamed nerdside (Northside College Prep) there weren't a lot of my friends from home doing frats so I decided not to. In general I would say that the split is pretty even and everyone finds their niche.


Pretty much--although definitely a lot of diversity in types of people


Not entirely.


While many are and all you see are cornfields, the majority of students have never even been to a real farm. That's just fine because we embrace the corn and even write and perform songs about it!


1) Yes, definitely. However, you're not drowned in it. If you don't want to party, it's not hard to avoid it. But there are plenty of opportunities if that's your thing. 2) It really depends on your major. There are a lot of questionable teachers, and the administration leaves a lot to be desired, but you'll know what you're talking about by the time you graduate, especially if you're in Engineering. 3) This isn't really true. Illinois ranks among the top colleges in the nation in many categories, but there are a lot more "elite" schools out there. You can get in with an above average ACT/SAT score.


Not at all, everyone I know is from the Chicagoland area with a few exceptions.


None of these stereotypes are real. There is a lot of diversity within the Latino community in Illinois. Many of us might have difficulties in class, this could be because English is our second language. My personal story is that I come from Puerto Rico English is my second language, I have had lots of difficulties in my years at U of I but I am still here I was not kicked out and I was never in probation. I am hardly any trouble except that I enjoy laughing, so when I laugh it might be loud, no alcohol, no drugs, no fights.


Like most stereotypes there is a general truth to these