University of Louisiana at Lafayette Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Louisiana at Lafayette know before they start?


My advice to parents and students would be to find the school that offers the most for the chosen major. For example, if majoring in psychology, look at the school's courses and choose the one that best fits the chosen field of psychology. A lot of colleges offer the basic courses, but some offer different types of courses that teach students more in their chosen major. Courses that give a deeper understanding in the field of study to help students choose the right path for their career or graduate school. To make the most of the college experience, I recommend getting involved. Students should join groups to help others in their environment and learn responsibilities for the future. They should also focus on school work to succeed in college with good grades. College work can be difficult at times, but if students put everyting into the learning process, they can do well with little problems.


Parents should allow thier children to choose whichever university they wish to attend. Students should take each and every opportunity to broaden their horizons and experience the 'college life', but be mindful of your choices at the same time.