University of Louisiana at Lafayette Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Louisiana at Lafayette know before they start?


If I could give my self advice, when I was a senior, I would continuosly remind myself how important my senior year is in getting me into college and try to higher my GPA. I would have told myself to take more classes and be serious about my school work, so I should not slack off and joke around.


The advice I would give myself is to make my decisions with the bigger picture in mind. Sometimes, my vision was very short-sited and I wish I would have let myself take school more seriously. I also would tell myself to take full advantage of every opportunity that I am given because I never know if it will come around again. Now that I am graduated from high school, every decision I make counts toward my future. I need to remember to take one step at a time.




I would tell myself to relax. Take a year off before beginning college if necessary. I would say to realize that higher education is important and you need it to be successful in life, no matter what you are doing. Having a higher education helps you provide for your family that you will one day have. Don't give up.


Throughout high school, I remained a dedicated and determined student. I focused strictly on school and everything I needed to complete to have a successful college career. I find that most of the time spent by teachers and such of high schools is on trying to guide and help out the not-so-focused students. While the ones with their hearts set on higher education are somewhat ignored, the lesser ones tend to attract all of the attention. This can be discouraging to students like me who also need some assistance. If I could go back in time and give myself a word of advice, I'd tell myself to keep up the good work... just a little encouragement.


I would say that I should set the thorough school search to the side, go on and apply at ULL, apply for all their available scholarsips, as well as search harder for applicable outside scholarships, and save more money from my high school job. However, I would also tell myself to enjoy high school more. Despite the fun there is in being on your own and learning to be an adult, Senior Year was the one time when you weren't expected to be totally an unadult, so even though people might treat you like a kid, that gave you the slack you could use to make a few mistakes and learn from them without a serious consequence. Senior Year should be about getting yourself ready for college, and almost nothing else. Your first three years of high school is what should have developed your GPA, so Senior Year should be all about finding the right college, preparing for the change, and enjoying high school while you still have it.


I would advise myself to take a year off in between high school and college to travel, work, volunteer and really explore what I liked and wanted to do. I would tell myself to read as much as possible and to talk to people in different professions to discover what career would really fit me best. I would also warn myself that the transition would be hard, that their would be a lot of new people and to take care of myself and get involved in order to make new friends.


I would tell myself to stay at home for the first year of college. It was fun living away from home, but it really messed me up. There was too much freedom, and not so much restrictions, so my grades fell. Also, to surround yourself with great friends who have a strong head on their shoulders. They're the ones who will guide you in the right direction. Don't put anything off just to go play for a few hours. When you're in school, your work is the most important thing, and it should always come first. I give a lot of kudos to the kids who know how to balance their social life and school life. If I could go back, I'd do it the right way. You shouldn't always try to grow up faster. It's not like high school where the teachers will give you leeway on assignments. Due dates are written in stone. College is a whole new scene, and it IS the first step to growing up.


I would tell myself to think carefully about where I chose to go and what I chose to do with my life.


Never let any classes get to you. Schedule wisely and make sure you get good professors. Do your best in all that you do. Dont make mistakes by staying focused.