University of Louisiana at Monroe Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Louisiana at Monroe know before they start?


I would go back and tell myself to try atleast a little harder in school. Before I applied for ULM I did not know that if my ACT score would have been one point higher I could have gotten a $3,500 reward with a $500 housing award, but I did not apply myself as hard and am now in college struggling with paying for it. I also would have told myself college is easy and going through senior year, applying youself to get atleast a 3.6 GPA, would have been worth it. I also would have told myself that being more friendly and open goes a long way with a smile, because in college it's all about having fun with your friends while maintaing grades to have a sucessful career.


As a college freshmen, I do look back at my high school experience and think about what I could have changed. One thing I would have told myself my freshmen year of high school is, "Aidan, you better work harder and longer if you wnt to make it to the top ten of your class!" I only say this because I graduated as number 11 in my class. This did make me sad that I was not announced at graduation. The transition to college was easy for me because I took all the advice I could have given myself in high school and applied it to my college experirence. I strive to be in the top ten of the graduating class of 2018 at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, and I fully intend to put the best I have into this dream. One day I will look back and be so proud of myself for being so determined and getting to stand on that stage in front of all my peers and say "I made it."


Dear Derrick, When you arrive in college the opportunities for distractions will be great. There are many fraternities for you to join, many activities to be involved in, and many social gatherings for you attend, but none of them will contribute to your ability to do what you came to do. Remember, you are going to college to get a degree and everything else is a distraction. While you should allow yourself time to relax, do not allow yourself to become complacent. While you should find time to socialize, do not allow it to deter you from your studies. While you should enjoy yourself in college, do not let it prevent you from getting your degree. You are going here to obtain a degree and that should be your primary focus, it is the prime directive. I love you very much and I want you to succeed. Do not take everything people say to you to heart. Find yourself and find your focus and in this you will find success. With Love, Your Future Self


BE PREPARED!!!!!! I would tell myself this because I went there alot of things because I was not prepared. It would have be alot smoother and less stressful if I came prepared. I would also tell myself to enjoy your last months in thwe house, because once you get to college you will be on your on. Just try not to stress out and enjoy.


Save your money! I worked all my senior year and have nothing to show for it. I could have had thousands of dollars saved up and now I wish I had it all back. I understand the true meaning of not having money being in college on my own. Also, I would have told myself to not get wrapped up in these guys. They cloud your mind and make you want to stay up late, be late for classes, and even skip when you need to be in them the most! That is something that I struggled with my first semester. That second piece of advice would have been very useful seeing in participating in all of that, I lost one of my scholarships as a result of the dropping of my GPA. Now that my entire first year is over, it's school first, play later. My education is more important than anything else that I have going on with anyone. If I had known these things before I went through my first year, it would have gone so much smoother.


If I could go back in time and speak to my high school self, I would give the following pieces of advice: -Manage your time wisely. You're going to have much more free time, and while it is important to relax and have fun, you should use every moment you can on your studies. -Do not be afraid to be yourself. College is a whole new world compared to high school. You're an adult now. Be yourself and be proud of yourself. -Get enough sleep. Class is hard enough without sleep deprivation. -Talk to your professors. They're glad to help you and speak with you. -Make good food decisions. They better you eat, the better you'll feel. Don't be a victim to the Freshman 15. -When you're feeling stressed, go to the gym. Run. Turn your mind off and just run, girl. -Manage your money. You really don't need that new top. You will need books next semester. -Apply for every scholarship you can right now. You have no idea how expensive college is. -Just be happy. Learn to let go and forgive. Learn to relax after a bad day.


If I could talk to my high self and give advice I would tell her to go and travel for the summer and then come back and go to college. To stay in college and study whenever possible. That it is not forever but you need it to succeed in life. Alos, find out what you like. Do not settle on what everyone is telling you. If I would have listened to my inner voice I would have done culinary years ago. Also, livei n the dorms and not off campus for the first year. You will get to know people and be more inclined to study. The big one to understand is that guys are not your life. You have plenty of time to meet the right one and the college ones come and go. Wait until you are older to settle down.


Hey girl, things will get tough. You know what though? You're strong. Don't ever doubt yourself, because you can make it through. You'll have to study hard and make sacrifices, but you'll understand and appreciate it in the long run. Also, don't spend all of your money on Taco Bell every night. The cafeteria has awesome food, and it's free! You'll learn to love the meaning of that word soon. Another thing, don't try to keep up with people, especially if they don't make an effort for you. You don't have time to cry over silly things like petty people; you have bigger things to worry calculus. Get as much help from students, professors, family and friends as you can; it will take you farther than you can imagine. Get involved, and stay on top of your school work, and you'll be just fine! You're going to LOVE college! Sincerely, Future you


Emily, Do not become a biology major. Choose Psych, it is so much fun and super interesting. You will thank me for this in the future after you barely pass chemistry. Good Luck!


I would tell myself to make sure you schedule yourself a long enough lunch break, to get to class early, and apply for every scholarship you can find!