Find a college that is similar to your high school if you had a positive high school experience. If you didn't then choose a college that you think you will like. Attend all of the college functions. You will meet many people that are there for the same reasons you are. You will make friends and enjoy your college life. Focus on your studies, try not to party too much. College students MUST know how to manage their time and social life.
Find the school that your child feels most comfortable. Also, consider the costs and find the school that is accredited in their degree and that wont cost you a fortune for them to attend.
I would advise parents to encourage their children to apply to several different schools that interest them, and to discuss the different atributes that each school has to offer. Parents should make their child feel supported in his/her decision.
Next, I would advise students to pick the school that they think will make them the happiest. My second piece of advice to students is to concentrate on school work because it is tough and a lot is expected of you from your professors. Do not give up on a dream just because it seems difficult, if you love it stick it out and see where it can take. you. I also believe that getting involved is the most important part of college, aside from academics. By getting involved you can make lifelong friendships and connections, plus it makes the college experience that much more interesting and valuable.
I would tell future students trying to make a decision about college that picking a college is not so much about the academics but more about how you feel while you are there.
My advice that I would give parents and/ or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience would be to attend a college that would work well with yourself. It wouldn't be a good idea to atted a college that you hated because then you wouldn't be able to make the most of the college experience because you would be miserable. Being miserable at a university wouldn't encourage one to do their best. Therefore, finding the right college could mean the difference between succeeding and not succeeding. Also one should make the most of the college experience because it only comes once and once you get out into the real world you don't want to feel that you missed out on not enjoying college life.
The advice I would give to students is, first of all, do not let anyone pressure you to do something you do not want to do; including letting someone choose a major and/or an university for you. You should be the only one who knows what you want to do with your life. Since, in most cases, you will be the only one taking responsibility for your life if things take a wrong turn. Wouldn't it be better to know that you are in control of your own life and not others. If you let other people make your decisions for you, what will you do when they're not around you anymore?
Consider this college. It is friendly. Very convenient. Safe.
Choosing the right college is as important as getting the degree. You need to find a college or university that enourages creativity and challenges students to use higher order levels of thinking. Simple application of knowledge is not enough to suceed in life; one must be challenged to make inferences or synthesis. Parents should also be aware of their financial situations. Loans are important, but should be avoided if possible. It takes a wise borrower, someone who is good with handling money to not go overboard in the borrowing process. Try to make the best of your college experience; making new friends and making aquaintances with your professors. You never know when you may need a professional reference. Having a professor as a reference on a job application or resume is always impressive.
College is not just about fun but it is not just about studying either. You have pick a school that will give you a good ballance of both. It must keep you foccused but at the same time we all need distractions now and then.