University of Louisville Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Louisville!


Uofl is unique as a result of the students, faculty and staff. I can’t think of another college where students join in with thousands of other people to dress up as the "The Dude" and take part of the Lebowski festival. Where else can you find odd philanthropies from where you get to see fraternities carrying a full keg in their speedos. Our school even makes it a point to let out for summer break based upon a horse race (I’m talking about the Kentucky Derby for those not from here). These are all what make UofL unique.


The University of Louisville is very diverse. Since I have been here people are very friendly and the teachers are helpful. What I like most is this college is not all about greek life, you can do other things and still be involved.


Our school spirit! Being apart our schools dance team and having an eye level access with a lot of sporting events, I get to see how the fans react. We have amazing spirt and support of all of our teams, not only as a school but as a community and as a city. It is amazing to see how many people come out for football, basketball, soccor, lacrosse games and etc. It's an amazing feeling to be apart of a community of people that can set aside differences and come together for an event.


I transferred here and the difference between the University of Louisville and my other school is amazing. The thing I love most here is the school spirit. Even if you never had any spirit before you will find yourself caught up in the rush. It is contagious and spreads like wildfire. You begin to love the feeling of being proud of where you are at and want the whole world to know it. School spirit here is the best.


The other schools I happened to be looking at were a lot smaller than UofL, but the main thing I liked about the school is the location. It is right in the middle of Louisville which means everything is around it, and there is always something going on or somewhere to go. Louisville is my hometown so I take great pride in where I grew up. I have always been interested in sports, and I just love being a part of a school with a great sports program. I makes taking pride in your school so much fun.


University of Louisville is a nationally known school, the two other colleges I wanted to go to weren't. It is also a much much larger university and is located in a metropolis instead of a rather rural area. The school pride here is matched only by our biggest rivals, University of Kentucky.


UofL gives you the big school feel with personal attention from all of your professors. UofL cares about their students sucess. Most people know about UofL when you are asked what school you attend and it is nice to be a student of a top ranking school in education and athletics. It is also nice to know most people when walking around the campus and it is easy to participate in multiple extracurricular activities. UofL offers a wonderful college education that you can taylor to your intrests and graduate with the tools neccessary to succeed.


I love my college! I feel like I go to a great school where I'll get a degree that will take me places, and I get to root for some winning teams in various sports. Who doesn't like winning? We'd love to have you here at UofL! GO CARDS!


Unversity of Louisville is neither a big school nor a small school; It is suiting for anyone. They have one of the best business school and medical schools in the nation. The diversity of the student body the school spirit and sports programs are uncomparible to any other school.


University of Louisville's college spirit is HUGE. Everyone here is a Cardinal and proud of it!