University of Louisville Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Louisville? Why?


That it is so large, it is very hard to get involved and have a since of belonging to the university. There is a low since of school pride.


The worst thing I can think of is them charging you a rediculous amount of money for parking and then do not even offer enough parking spaces for the excessive amount of permits they sold for that semester. It a big rip off adn jsut a way to make extra money :-(


The worst thing is having to park at the football stadium and ride a bus to the campus.


The undergraduate program for psychology majors was not as challenging as it could have been and various other undergraduate classes were far below par in the quality of education offered.


The worst thing about UofL is the class size. Some of the classes have a few hundred students in them which makes learning difficult. Also, the campus is very large so when you have only 10 minutes between classes, it's difficult to get there on time. Then you have to sit in the back of the lecture hall and sometimes its impossible to hear the professors because of the number of students and the size of the room.


The worst thing about UofL is because the campus is located on a flood plain (near the Kentucky River), any rain that falls tend to pool around campus and make the grounds very marshy. But, a good pair of water-proof boots does the trick.


The worst thing that I think about the University of Louisville is the lack of scholarships that are available for my major. Being an older and a commuting student, it would help tremendously if there would be some type of scholarships developed to assist non-traditional students, such as myself. I think that the return on such an investment would greatly assist the department in attracting more less fortunate, but brilliant young minds who may be interested, but unable to afford the cost of a college education.


In my opinion, the worst aspect of the University of Louisville is the location. The schoool is sitting in down town Louisville, which isn't the safest of areas.


I think the worst thing about this school is that there is alot of crime that occurs both on and around campus. Many people get robbed, and/or injured just walking home from class.


I really don't think there is anything wrong with the school I am attending. I do wish they would have more of a variety of majors. Also I wish they would have a little bit more diversity.