Never, never, ever take an 8 am class. Ever. For any reason. Make lots of friends. Be more open to different ideas because you are not always right and you may learn something. Do not do the bare minimum to get by, but take pride in your work. Don't take out more student loans than you need. You will regret it when you have to pay it back.
The following is a list of what I would tell my high school self:
1. Apply to University of Louisville
2. Apply to more scholarships
3. Get involved in the community
4. Work on getting your license
5. Most importantly never give up on you dream to become a doctor
Most importantly don't take a foreign language your first semester and stay away from those early morning classes! They're difficult to wake up for! Focus on studying for Philosophy and don't wait for half of the semester to slip by before you realize grades still count in college. Most importantly, start applying to every scholarship you can get your hands on! You need money for your dorm!
P.S. Don't forget to have fun and enjoy your college life!
If I could go back and give my high school self advice, I would advise me to study more. My high school career didn't prepare me for the work load given in college. I would also tell myself to venture outside of music classes. I loved my band director; he was a great teacher. I tended to stick to music based classes, and now that I am enrolled in the college of business, I feel as though I am behind the curve. I should've branched out in high school. I am very happy with how my high school career went, but I would change some things if I could. These are the things I would advise myself to change.
Get on top of things. Don't assume you are right about your audition process for Murray State. Call the music department and ask them the actual process. It would have saved you a lot of stress and anxiety. Going to Murray for two years may seem awful, but when you transfer you will enjoy school that much more because you know how horrible it was before. Take advantage of every great memory you make your senior year. The trip to New York with the band will be one of the greatest times of your life. Listen to your family when they tell you that your mammaw doesn't have a lot of time left, because they are right. If you don't spend time with her you will never forgive yourself. You never know what you have until it's gone and she was one of the greatest people this world has ever had live here. You should know she's still proud though. Take all of those memories with you because they will get you through the tough times. The best thing, though, is that your high school sweetheart is still with you through it all.
Take it slow. There's no hurry to finish your education, and if you don't get in done in exactly 4 years, it's totally okay. Attending a community college is not the end of the world either. Sure, it's okay to suck and you're going to hate it at times, but it is well worth and you are going to save a good amount of money. You want to stay full-time, but that doesn't mean you have to take 18 credit hours every semester. Again, go at your own pace and figure out what works for you. Also, get tested and treated for ADHD as soon as you can! It made a huge difference and learning the study skills and starting treatment will make you the great student you were meant to be. And don't get caught up in partying and being with friends, you'll always have time for that later. Make sure you get your work done (done well, especially) and then you can go do all the fun stuff. College is hard work, but just remember that it will all work out in the end.
I would tell myself not to wait to go to college. Go straight to college right after high school. This one choice effects the rest of yours and your families lives. I understand it is a scary time in your life. So much is uncertain. This is your opportunity to make a significant impact on your life. With this one choice you set the wheels in motion that will direct your life on its greatest journey. Do you want to be someone who drifts through life, or do you want to be the person who takes control and steers your life toward the direction your choose. Going to college affords you the chance to make your life yours. Take this opportunity and succeed at taking charge of your life. Use these experiences to shape yourself mentally for the challenges ahead to ensure you are the person I know you can be. Chances like this are not easy to come by and you should take advantage of life while your have the chance. You can do this. I believe in you. Choose right. Choose smart. Choose College. If you don't, trust me, you will regret it.
I would tell myself to stop wishing my last year of high school away. College is great, but high school makes you who you are. You will appreciate everything from high school so much more once you graduate. My high school was literally one big family and I never thought I would miss it as much as I do. I would tell myself to get as much as I can out of my high school sports as well. Going from playing sports 24/7 to not playing at all is a huge transition. Its crazy how bad I wish I could play one more high school game. I would honestly just tell myself to make the most out of my senior year ; focus on the positives and forget about the negatives because none of it will matter next year. Your high school helps you grow and develop and college is the next step in life. You want to look back and say that high school made you a great person who is ready to take on the world.
College is coming sooner than you know. I know you like to procrastinate, and enjoy the pressure of a time crunch, but it is in your best interest to kick that habit as soon as possible. (Begin now!) Getting financial aid and being accepted and getting the housing that you want will be much easier when you get on the ball sooner. Then there is no stress other than moving day.
Don’t worry about making friends so much. There are all kinds of people at a university and all the other freshmen are going to be just as freaked out. Relax and put yourself out there. People will flock to the most confidant people. Also, you will not be in high school anymore. You’ve got to make yourself do your homework and study, and go to bed early. No matter how great that party with the other agriculture people sounds, studies should come first. Try to get comfortable where you go. Just because the first semester may be a bit bumpy, and it will be, that doesn’t mean you need to run back towards home. Stick it out a bit longer; you may like what you find.
15,000 hours dedicated to your schooling career at this point. Now is definitely not a time to slow down. College is a place to grow tremendously as a person and find out who you are. You are given more responsibility now that you are on your own. You have to dedicate more time for each coarse to study and prepare. Seek your professors advice for every piece you turn into him. He will guide you and assist on bettering your work to fit the classes needs. Stay on task with your work because it pays off. Always go to class because hearing the material helps when your studying because it will be easier to memorize. Always keep in touch with your adviser, he always knows best. Staying in touch wih him allows you to monitor your classes from a more broad perspective. You get to see what coarses you will need later and how to schedule them appropriately. Be prepared for anything and stop at nothing.