University of Louisville Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Louisville know before they start?


One thing I've gotten is maturity. In high school, I thought I was pretty mature, but when I got to college I realized how wrong I was. There's something about the college experience that makes you grow up, which I like. Also, I've learned discipline. Like I've said, I breezed through high school, and when I got to college, I really learned how to sit down, study and get everything done. I'm so glad that I've gotten to experience what some people can only dream of. I'm so thankful that i've gotten the opportunity to go to college and gain the discipline and maturity that I have.


During my college years I have encountered lots of learning experiences and habits that will follow me the rest of my life. College has taught me how to prioritize evrything. This is something that is definitley needed in the work force. "Playtime" is not even in my vocabulary anymore. I have gained work ethic. No matter how hard or how tired I am, im going to do it because it has to be done. I feel like i finally got the grasp of what being an adult is all about. I have added depth to my personal morality. i'm used to dealing with diverse groups of people now. I am able to walk up and hold a conversation with any type of person.College itself has prpared me for any obstacle I may encounter in life and I'm ready to face it with out fear. If you can get through college, you can get through anything!


I have learned so much about the world around me and how it functions. I'm not just talking about the "real world" dealing with jobs and bills. I also learned a lot about our society and how it functions. I discovered new theories and ideas about why we think the way we do and I have learned to question everything in order to learn more. I have gotten ideas on what I can do to make a difference to people in our community. A College education expands your thoughts and better prepares one to live in the "real world". It also helps to round an individual socially, which comes in handy when dealing with the public or work relationships. I love going to school and learning something new each day, you know what they say about an idle brain!!


If I travelled back in time and had a discussion with my younger self about college, I would warn myself that I need to buckle down and get out of the habit of procrastinating. If I were able to do this, I wouldn't feel as stressed out about college as I do now. When I look back on things, I really wish I had gotten out of this habit sooner because it's really hurting me. Sure I can get the work done, but the stress it puts on me is breaking me down. I'm trying to get through this habit and start getting my homework and studying done as soon as I can, but it takes time. So if I were to go back in time and talk to myself about college, that would be my advice to me. It seems like such a simple word of advice, but it makes all the difference.


I would tell myself to really think about what career I want and how to go to school without getting into debt. I probably wouldn't had accepted student loans offered and I would have focused more on me and what career choice best fits my personality. Instead of trying to please others in choosing a major, I would have pursued courses that I found personally enlightening.


When you first arrive at college, it may seem that everyone is lying about how difficult college is compared to high school and that your professors will not try and help you. Make sure not to disregard the warning of the difficulty of college, because you are graded soley on exams in most classes, which is what makes it difficult. However, do not worry about your professors not being there and willing to help you, because most of them will always offer to help.


As a high school senior and, until now, I was always so stressed about everything; my job, finances, homework, sports, and, especially, my future. I had everything planned out... down to every class until I graduate. My academic advisor even said I stressed her out by being so ambitious and organized! However, I recently returned from a semester abroad in Barcelona, Spain. The decision to study abroad was very stressful financially. But, now, I realize it was a life-changing experience that shapes the person I am today. I have learned to relax and become more free-spirited. I prioritize my time much better and realize that life will simply work itself out. I have decided not to finish a year of graduate school during my undergraduate career and simply see where life takes me. Thus, from where I am today and where I was as a high school senior (who, at the time, had TMJ and medical yoga because of stress), I would tell myself that I need to take a breath, relax, and life will take its course. I need to stop worrying so much about my future and enjoy college! This is the time of my life.


One piece of advice that I would give myself is to stop pleasing other people and do the things that you want to do. Just because your friends are going to one place and they want you to come along doesn't mean that you should follow them. You should do what you want to do, be who you want to be, and go where you want to go.


If I could go back in time and give my self advice about college and making the transition, I would defenitly of told myself to pick my college earlier. Also to Apply for as much stuff as possible because college is a very stressful thing and money is hard to come by. I also think I would have to myself to maybe to not be as worried about whats going everywhere and focus on what was right for myself. College has defenitly been a big transition in my life and has been very stressful, but it has also taught me a lot about myself and what I can do. I think that students in their senior years need to focus on what they really want and make it happen.


Think about it. Really decide if this is where you want to go. Dont walk into college thinking that what you wanted to do when you were in high school is what you will always want to do. Dont forget about your high school friends, dont forget that making friends is just as important as the school work. Dont leave school. its hard to go back.