The worst thing about the University of Maryland is that it has such a huge campus. Although I love it, the long walks to get basically anywhere on campus can become tiring throughout the semester. It is especially difficult when the majority of the classes you are enrolled in are located all the way across campus from where you live. However, there are a good majority of useful buildings located extremely close to my dorm such as the gym, dining hall, convenience store, and study areas.
The worst part of my school would have to be the food. It's not exactly bad but it's not the best either. I've visited other schools like St. John's up in Queens, New York where the food was amazing. Aside from that, the food selection is limited so it gets repetitive and questionable (meaning-what is that?) at times, but not the worst I've ever had. I'm still alive and healthy so that's all that matters.
The lack of resources. Counselors are hard to reach and the financial aid center is not helpful at all.
The worst thing about my school is that when it rains there are huge puddles everywhere.
The worst thing about UMD for me is the dining plan. As a student with food allergies, I find it extremely difficult to have a satisfying diet while at school. There is not a lot of diversity in the food that the dining halls offer, which forces me to constantly be eating the same things which is frustrating. This situation could be improved a great deal if there were more food options available and if things were switched up more often to give more variety.
The worst thing about my school to me, is the racial cliques, it seems as people of the same race seem to gravitate towards each other without allowing to make new friends with someone of a different ethnicity
The distance between buildings can make it hard to get to classes on time
The worst thing about UMD is the dorms. Very few of the freshman dorms have air conditioning. Also, they are very small. I am currently in a quad, and it is a very tight squeeze. It is hard to perform well when you are not in a comfortable living space. During my fall semester, I had many sleepless nights because of my living conditions. Believe it or not, sleep is crucial in college because without it, it is very hard to concentrate. I have learned this the hard way.
The long walks to class but it is good excerise.
The school is huge, so walking from class to class during the winter time is torture. Walking from class to class on a sunny fall or spring afternoon is very enjoyable though.