University of Maryland-College Park Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland-College Park know before they start?


My advice to future parents of college attendees would be to let their child decide where he/she wants to attend within the proper price range and push for their students to strive hard. For the student, while in school be sure to use every resource around you because there is so much available to your while your at school and those resources including teachers are what shapes your future. While searching for that right college be sure to notice the size of the class rooms and the colleges location compared to the job you are hoping to have after finishing school. Again, for parents seeing your kids go away to school, this might be hard but it is assuring to know their education will help secure their future. School is the best thing that I have been giving the opportunity to do, and striving for great grades might be hard but it is well worth it in the end. You might see other fellow students going out and partying, but rest assured your already one step ahead of them when you stay in and study. With that said,I hope your college experience is just as enjoyable as mine.


Pick a school that fits exactly what you're trying to get out of college


Go with your first instinct. The school where you feel the most comfortable during your visit is probably the best one for you.


I would tell parents and students to not go into college expecting too much out of it. There are so many new things you learn and will see when coming into college, some good and some bad. But the best thing to do is to take it as it is, and work to make the best out of it. There are always ways to be civically engaged on campus and if you do not like the service programs offered, you can try to start your own. College really is the best 4 (or 5) years of your life, but that is only possible if you make it that way.


Find what fits you best.


Make the effort to get involved and try things that you never thought you/meet new/different kinds of people.


Keep your eyes peeled; just because you've chosen a college doesn't mean it's the only college available for you. Similarly, entering college with a particuar major in mind means nothing. People change with the freedom and experiences that college life brings.


Students: Pick a place that will make you happy. If you are taking out loans make sure you keep your grades up and make sure the school will be worth it.


The advice I would give would be to keep and open mind about the whole process. Try not to set any expectations that can lead to dissappointment. If you go into the application process and college in general with an open mind, then the reality could very well exceed any expectation that you could have dreamt up. Also, remember to always try to be adaptable. Keep in mind that there is almost always more than one good way of doing something and just because your roommate acts in a way you are not used to, doesn't mean it is wrong. Going to college will change your life and those that are successfull are the ones that are wise enough to change along with it and realize that it is for the better, as the change represents personal growth. Most of all, I think that in order to make the most of the college experience, you have to keep in mind that this is your last opportunity to be a kid. After graduation is the real world, so don't forget that once your homework is finished, you deserve to go out and have some fun!


To really talk to your high school counslors about what you want to do. And to reserach the major you are intersted in. Look to see if this school offers the most for your major. I made the mistake of not reseraching enough into my major because Maryland dosnt offer the best resources for architecture, its fair but not close to the best.