University of Maryland-College Park Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland-College Park know before they start?


I believe that first and foremost, college should be the students choice. I believe that parents should of course offer advice, but leave the final decision up to the student. Having said that, it is important that the student finds a college that caters to their desires. That doesn't mean that the student needs to know exactly what he/she would like to major in, but at least have a general idea of a future career. I also believe that the student should look at the social scene. Many universities have greek life which is a great tool for networking, while other schools have other means to make friends and meet new people such as clubs. I think the most important way to make the most out of a college experience is getting involved. It is so helpful to join clubs, and organizations to meet new people that often times become life-long friends. It also helps in larger universities, because it allows the student to make the university somewhat smaller and more personal for them. College in my opinion is just as much a social setting as a learning setting and should be treated as such.


The future aspiration of the student should be considered. Each college has something peculiar to offer, extensive research will help any student or parent make an informed choice.


First of all, make sure the undergraduate college you choose has a tuition cost that your parents, you, or both can afford to pay during you studies there of after you graduate. Second, choose a school that has certain academic programs available in which you can double major without having to take that many extra classes and can graduate on time. For example, I majored in zoology and secondary science education. I was able to get my zoology and secondary science degree and my 7-12th grade biology teacher's certificate all in four years.


Visiting the school is a must. When you find the school that is best for you, you will know the second you step on to its campus. Regardless of where you go to school, everyone should stay at least one year in the dorms to get the expierence.


Parents and students should begin their college search as early as middle school. It is absolutely IMPERATIVE that students be placed into the university that will help them flourish both academically AND personally. The college experience is one of the most life-altering and freeing periods in a person's life--in order to properly elevate into the real world. But college isn't ALL about draconian rules and hard studying, of course. As aforementioned, college cultivates students on a personal level as well. Many students that I have personally known have joined clubs and organizations that have helped to build their self-esteem, spirituality, and outlook on life in general. it is MOST important that students DO NOT stay cramped in their rooms--now is the time to branch out and self-discover. College is about self-creation--it's about about pushing one's self in ALL directions in order to become the absoulute BEST! Students need to stay positive in searching for the right college. Apply to as many as you can in direction YOU (not Mommy and Daddy) want to go. That is the first step in becoming an adult. Good luck!


Look at the students when you visit the campus. If you like wearing sweatpants to school, or if you want a really school spirited school, or if you want to dress up every day--you can tell just by looking at the students going to class. And you should definitely look at classes in your possible fields of interest. You can tell within the first five minutes of sitting in a class whether or not you'll like the teaching style. Also, if the school has an overnight program, you should definitely participate in one of those. There's only so much you can learn about the school with your parents standing there the whole way. You need to experience the colleges you visit without your parents--you're going to end up being at whatever school you choose by yourself anyway; you should decide if you like it without them at your side.


Honestly ask yourself what is most important to you about the way you live your life. Is it having people from the same background as you? Is it being far away from what is familiar? Is it academics? Is it being in a city? Is it a social life? Prioritize what is important to you and pick your schools based on what matches your priority list. Your going to spend the next four years of your life there, years in which you will learn the most about yourself and going to a school based on name or pleasing your parents is just not worth it. There are other things that are more important.


Go on college visits and tours! It is important to visit a college to learn more about it before deciding to go there. Choose a college that offers your major or focus, don't settle on one that is cheaper or closer, but doesn't offer what you want.


If they feel at home, and comfortable, let them go there. Don't just tell them to go somewhere that has a good name. The experience might not be as good.


My advice would be to definitely visit every college you are interested in, and talk to not only staff (people paid to answer questions about the school), but real students as well to get the best perspective of the school. Once in college it is very important to get involved. Some people do not realize the importance of a good social life. Essentially, if you don't have friends, you will hate college. My advice would be to get involved with student organizations and clubs. It is a great way to make friends and meet people with similar interests. I would personally highly recommend going Greek (joining a fraternity or sorority). Oh yeah, one more thing - study hard!