Check out all of your acceptances before you enroll. on visiting a school, sit in on a few courses to check if they seem right. research as much as possible and where you live is very important.
The most important advice I would give to a student during their college search is to just be honest with themselves. Often there are pressures from parents and friends to go to a school that "looks good", but only you, the student, can recognize what school will be the perfect fit for you. First you must evaluate the academics of your prospective schools, since getting an education is what college is for after all. If the academics meet your needs as far as majors, and your personal level of academic ability, then that college is worth a deeper look. Then, making a personal visit to the school is monumental is your decision because you will see what it is actually like to be there and learn things about the school that you cannot learn from a website. You will be able to see how the community interacts within itself and decide whether or not you think you would fit in to that community. Also, extracurriculars are what can complete a students college expericence. Make sure all of your prospective schools have oppurtunities for you to continue doing the things you have always loved to do, its worth it!
This college was not my first choice; I was academically qualified for a more prestigious school, but likely was not accepted due to a personal issue that I would rather not disclose. Still, I would not have applied here if I hadn't thought it was a good school. My best advice to future college students might be obvious, but still needs saying now and again: don't place too much emphasis on where you go to school or, similarly, try to mold yourself to fit a school's ideal profile. There is such a surplus of PhD graduates these days that even if you end up in a school that's downright mediocre reputation-wise, you will find it staffed by intelligent people who are no less capable of teaching you the fundamentals of a field than their Harvard counterparts. Places like Harvard graduate star students because that's who they admit, not who they create. People who do get into prestigious schools can actually become complacent, in my experience, and feel they're automatically set for life. People destined to do great things will manage to do so no matter where they're admitted.
join greek life and get involved
College is more about connections and experiences than it is about academics. Yes, academics are important, but you are going to remember the college experience more than anything else. Choose a school where it will a little bit of a challenge academically, but at the same time, will give you plenty of time to explore other interests and passions so that you can really make a difference on campus. One of the things that I have found to be really amazing is how much of a difference a single individual can make! You don't need any special tools, any special equipment or anything of the sort to follow your passions: you just need a big heart and a willingness to do what you feel is right! Trust me, I used to be obsessed with academics, and now I'm at a big school where I'm succeeding academically, but yet, I'm getting involved socially and am making a difference on campus, just being who I am. If I was too focused on my studies, I wouldn't be able to do so. I've grown and changed in so many good ways, and I hope you do too!
Have students be open to new things and it's okay for you to change you mind. Go to school where you feel you will be most comfortable about the environment and the setting.
On finding the right college, keep an open mind and make sure you personally visit the schools and ask orientation leaders any questions that you might have. On making the most out of your college experience--go to your classes and seek out internship and research opportunities at your school.
Finding the one college that really fits you best is really very similar to finding a good pair of blue jeans. It is hard to do but once you find them, you never want to wear another pair ever again. However, a process like this takes some time. Sometimes it is possible to find the perfect pair right away, but most of the time it is necessary to try on multiple pairs of jeans in order to find the perfect pair. This is why it is highly recommended that you take the time to visit and "try on" each school that you are interested in. If you can see yourself in the shoes of a student there or in this case their jeans, then perhaps you have found the right school for you.
Once you have found the perfect pair of jeans, however, you must take the time to enjoy every second of their lifetime, for though you may love your jeans, their lifetime is finite and you will have to give them away someday, not unlike your years at the perfect college. These truly are some of the best years of your life and you must savor every moment.
Definitely tak into consideration WHERE the college is located. Know your interest and find colleges that have good reputations in that field. IF minority, look into the diversity of the campus. Political average is surprisingly important to me (if ative at all). Cost is big, but keep good grades and most colleges give decent amount of money.
The best way to find the right college for you is to start the process early, and collect as much information as possible. There is a lot that can be learned from school websites, but information from on campus students is just as important. It is also important to find a school that has the educational program you are looking for, and a comfortable living and learning community. It never is too early to start planning for the beginning of the rest of your life.