University of Massachusetts-Amherst Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Massachusetts-Amherst? Why?


The worst thing about UMass, like any other State institution today, is an increasing lack of funding.


The worst thing about the school is probably the fees. If you lose keys, are late with books, lose your UCard, or something of value than you will probably have to pay for it. Probably the worst fee is when you sign up for housing and then decide against moving. The housing department will charge you $150 dollars.


There are so many students that sometimes it takes a while to get the help you really need, although as long as you are persistant, you will get quality help in the end, it just takes a lot of effort and time. You absolutely need to take advantage of everything on campus because no one will be urging you to do so, and there is a wealth of information out there as long as you go for it.


The weather. Since campus is so big and there are a lot of hills, when it is snowy/icy/or raining it is sometimes difficult to get to class.


The school is large and sometimes it is hard to find out about extra curricular activities, even though there are a vast amount on campus. You really have to look to find clubs to join.


The worst thing about the school is the on campus housing. There are nice dorm rooms. I personally have been happy with my living situation but I know a lot of people who did not receive their preferred dorm assignment. This was due to a high influx of new-coming students such as Freshman and Transfer students. Everyone does get housing, just not always what he or she may desire.


You have to want to do well in order to do well. No one is going to hold your hand, and sometimes advisors do not know what they are talking about. Know your stuff, because if you don't, you can get lost in the sauce.


The administration does not care about their students!


The amount of red tape and bureaucracy that is attached to almost everything.


Some buildings need updating. It's also so large that it's a long walk to some buildings.