University of Massachusetts-Amherst Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Massachusetts-Amherst? Why?


When taking 100 level courses, the classes can be very large (some with 400+ people) and it may be hard to develop a relationship with your professors. this can be discouraging to some students. However, as you progress in your major, the classes become much smaller (around 20 people) and developing relationships with teachers and students is much easier. The professors are very accessible, even in large lectures, and always make time to meet with students during office hours or when scheduled.


There aren't very many people here that I consider to be really great, for lack of a better word. I wanted to find people who were like me, only better, so I could learn how they got that way, and instead I find no one I can look up to, no one that can really teach me among my fellow students, at least not yet.


It is way to liberal. Many people are so open minded that they loose focus on schoolwork and what is important.


I would say there is no worst thing about my school. Sometimes the distance between classes is a bit tiresome. I enjoy everything about this school and I think this will be one of the best times of my life.


Walking across campus to get to class.


The general apathy of the student body.


In short, the roads. The pavement is plagued by potholes.


There is a problem with riots at my school. In 2006, my freshmen year there was a huge riot after our school lost the NCAA football championship. Property was destroyed and at least 70 people were expelled. Sometimes the students at my school get way out of hand for no reason. Sometimes this is due to alcohol consumption, but alot of it relates to sporting events. Sometimes I don't always feel safe at my school. Not because of the location but because of the similarity in personalities among some of the students here.


the disciplinary administration; they are getting to be quite rediculous with their "new policies".


The worst thing about my school would be the size of the campus. It makes it very difficult to move from one class to another without being late and this create problems for making to exams, passing in papers, meeting with people, and generally just getting around. The transportation system helps but is sometimes difficult ot use.