University of Massachusetts-Amherst Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Massachusetts-Amherst? Why?


Probably the weather. Im not orriginally from the region, so the weather is definatly messing with my head. It gets cold at the drop of a hat. sometimems im not exactly prepared for it.


The parties tend to get out of hand a lot of times. And riots tend to occur, which most of time are completely unnecessary.


the only thing i consider as the worst would be that we have occasional bomb threats, and therefore, have to cancell class for the day.




The amount of time it takes for the school to finish construction on campus, and the amount of money students spend on books that are required for classes.


Some of the buildings are old and architecturally unattractive. I also wish there was more school spirit about the sport teams. Being so big, I feel that UMASS has great potential to have that great school spirited atmosphere but it isn't as prominent as I had initially expected. This isn't even a bad thing though, UMASS is great! I love it.


The administration does not adequately help the students in areas of finance, financial aid, and housing.


Too much emphasis on partying and drinking on the weekends with not enough school sponsored activities for those students that are NOT minorities.


The worst thing about my school is the class size, they are too large and the size of the campus getting from class to class takes a long period of time


There was no easing into college life for me. I was used to being told what I needed to do by high school teachers and guidance counselors. At UMass, if you are unclear as to what is expected of you, it is your own responsibility to find that out. That took me some time to figure out and I wished there were more resources available in that area.