University of Massachusetts-Amherst Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Massachusetts-Amherst?


someone who needs help figuring things out, needs advising, and isn't very outgoing. also a person shouldn't mind walking to class, or funky weather. they should also be open to new things.


Someone who is afraid to jump in feet-first. You have to be willing to just DO it, and usually on your own. People who are overwhelmed by social anxieties or need a buddy to be with them at all times will find that this school is too big, too full, and too busy to cope with. Also, anyone who isn't openminded. There's just no room for that on campus -- we have too many people who are so different you just have to accept them. If you can't, don't come.


A person who lacks the tenacity and vigor that a reputable, accessible, and challenging school requires. A person who is intimitaded by a real-world setting, and is hesistant to speak their mind. The University of Massachusetts Amherst, is a very accepting, understanding, yet academically challending environment. Someone who doesn't plan to make the most of their four years in an educational setting shouldn't attend this school.


Someone who is attending college in order to say they went to a famous private school just to say that they went to a little fancy private school- UMASS is about much more than a name, its a community, a family; its my second home.


Someone who isn't confident in themselves should not attend this school. It takes a strong willed, and independent person to survive the racial differences and large amounts of people.


Anyone who comes from a very conservative town should stay away from UMass. Granted the educational and academics part of the campus is cool, but the parties especially in Southwest are at time overbearing.


someone who wants a personal individualized education


Anyone who does not enjoy larger schools or anyone who looks to much in to the name of a school.


If a person is not used to a big school . I think that Umass will be a good choice for you. There are many activities going on this school that one woud find a place to belong no matter what. People are friendly at Umass that one will be at ease at the school.


Someone who doesn't want to walk far to classs and someone who wants small classes all the time with individual attention. You end up getting these things later on in your college career but not until you are an upper classman. It is easy to be just 'a number' freshman and even sophomore year.