University of Miami Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Miami? Why?


The worse thing about my school is probably finances because if you have to plan for anything years ahead of time, it's finances. If you don't plan, you'll be in a world of trouble if you don't have scholarships or grants.


The worst thing about my school is the amount of student with a lack of academic focus. Being in Miami, there is a large amount of partying all times of the week. Many kids get lured into the party scence and it is hard to do work and keep focused when so many of your friends are out partying. A student at my school needs to have extreme motivation to do work instead of getting distracted by the availability of round the clock partying and beach weather.


The cost and the lack of facilities for some of the sports clubs. Both are self-explanatory.


The worst thing at the school is the dorm space and the dining hall hours. The food should be better.


Because it's in a city, most activities were off campus and not school related.


People are nice, but they aren't particularly deep.


For me, the worst thing about my school is that it's so far from my home. This makes it hard because I'm away from my family and friends for the majority of the year. It was hard to start over making all new friends. But I have made new friends, and overall, it's been worth it. The other thing that's hard is the cost. I have a full-tuition scholarship, but I still have to take out student loans, and I'm worried about the amount of debt I'll be in when I graduate.


The only downside to Miami is the long bus ride over to Dolphin Stadium for the football games. Because the Rose Bowl was shut down, the school now has to bus its students approximately 30 mins away for the football games.


The worst thing about my school would have to be parking. Though they are working on this there is not nearly enough parking spots as there are cars.


There seemed to be a monied feel to it because many people who went there had money.