University of Miami Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Miami? Why?


finding time to study


The cost to attend this college is a bit ridiculous. My family doesnt have the money to pay it out of pocket so it is sometimes hard to come up with all of tuition money even with scholarships and financial aid. I could have been attending a state school and not paid anything but instead I am here taking out loans and still haveing to come up with thousands of dollars.


Parking for commuter students because there's never enough parking and the way that parking lots are set up are not beneficial to us.


The distance to dolphin stadium, and the lack of funding in certain areas.


That other people come from wealthy families so they don't have to work for their education.


too many snobs


It's 1,300 miles away from my home so I don't get to see my family as oftem as I would like.


The worst thing about this school is how small the meteorology program is. Because the program is so small, it has little to offer compared to Oklahoma University. It's somewhat nice to have a small program, the ability to get close to colleagues, professors, etc. but I have yet to get close to professors. The program often finds itself in the shadow of the Marine Science program as well.


The worst thing about the University of Miami, is that some students are very into superficial things such as cars, clothes, and money. The degree of superfialness varies from college to college and dorm to dorm, but it is not impossible to find, people who are more interested in intellectual things. However, it may take a little work to find them your freshman year.


The worst thing about this school is the lack of extracurricular activities for all kinds of people with various interests aside from sports and cliched college activities.