University of Miami Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Miami know before they start?


I would tell myself not to wait around at home for my life to start. I spent too much time home alone waiting to be free from my household to become a fully formed person but I wasted that time; I could have been working on myself in terms of interests, educational and extracurricular activities but instead I waited for college to engage in these outside activities.


Its okay to not have everything planned and know exactly what you want to do. While it is good to have a plan and to have goals for the future, understand that it is okay to be flexible with that plan. Always keep your goals and ideals but be flexible with the method and plan to achieve them. While it may seem that others have always been prepared and have a plan, it is not always the case sometimes there are a lot of unknowns but in the end things work out or something else you didn't even know about comes to light. Its still important to try and do what you can but stressing over things that aren't in your control is not worth it. While it is hard to try not to stress over things, don't forget to live in the moment. Work hard, but don't forget to have fun and take time for yourself. Make memories and enjoy the time you have, it's okay to make mistakes and to take a break. Mental and physical health are just as important if not more important than your education. Dont forget to live life.


Going back in time, I would advise myself to take a chance and experience something outside of my comfort zone. I would make sure that I went to school away from home to ennsure that I really learned what it was like to be on my own. I would also enocurage myself to visit a number of schools, and not pick a college because of my friends or because of its academic standing. Rather, pick the school that feels right. That is what I did, and I can honestly say it was the best decision of my life. I would make sure to advise myself to get involved on campus early on - doing things that I enjoy. This way, you are immediately exposed to a group of people that have similar interests. I would also advise myself to take classes seriously and put in the necessary time to learn. College is far too expensive to skip classes and not take advantage of all the resources available. Lastly, I would remind myself that the 4 years are going to fly by, and I need to make sure to truly enjoy every minute.


Always stay focused and keep your priorites in order. If you want something you have to be patient, but eager to fufill your goals. Most importantly, never make excuses, just take advantage of the opportunity.


You have to understand that there’s not a book to show you the way, Every day you struggle to attend school and make your pay. There’s nobody watching and keeping you in line. You have to be my own enforcer and listen to yourself whine. You are your own maid and have to learn how to cook Just know that “burnt” isn’t in the recipe book. College is about learning and not about being cool. Don’t let me discourage you from attending school. All of those reasons seem bad at first But it’s the way that you read them that makes them sound worse. I am the author to my life story and I lead the way Prioritizing became easy in balancing my school and my pay. I know when I am pushing myself too hard I listen closely to my body’s needs and whining is not in the cards. I clean up and enjoy when I have to cook I don’t need that old recipe book. Every experience will build you into a person who I hope you’ll want to be Because all of your experiences will shape you into me.


"Calm down, everything is going to be fine. You'll end up exactly where you need to be. College is probably one of the best things that will ever happen to you. You will learn what it's like to live on your own, to be independent. You will have a lot more responsibilities that you do now, but it's nothing you can't handle. I know you're worried about making friends and feeling like an outsider in a foreign country, but that should be the least of your worries. You'll meet so many amazing people that will help you grow, not only as a musician, but as a person. I get that you don't really like most of your classes right now, but push through it and keep working hard, you're doing great! Soon enough, you won't be able to choose what your favorite class is, as they will all be. Also, I know you say you're tired of eating rice, but trust me on this, you'll miss it when you get a taste of the dining hall food! Lastly, beware of the freshman 15! They don't only offer pizza..."


The best advice I could give to myself as a high school senior would to not be afraid. I would tell myself to fear not what could go wrong, but to be excited about everything that would go right. I would tell myself to take full advantage of every opportunity that came knocking on my door because it would be worth it in the end. I would tell myself to go to every campus event possible because even if I wasnt interested in the topic, I could learn something new. I would tell myself to be open to learning more than just what my professors had to offer. I would tell myself to ask the question "Will this matter in a year from now?" before getting upset. I would tell myself to remember my mothers words "This too shall pass." when I am down. I would tell myself that everything would work out in the end. I would tell myself to enjoy each precious moment life has to offer. But most importantly I would tell myself to never, ever give up on my dreams.


I would tell "me" to write a letter to myself and post date the letter for 4 years from matriculation in school. I'd encourage "me" to include ideas about how I envision myself in four years. I'd ask me to write questions such as, "What sort of values do I uphold?" and prepare to answer those questions when the time comes to open the letter. I would conclude the letter with a note that simply says "Write another letter, and prepare for the next next amazing step of your life Chris, whatever that may be."


The climate, the atmosphere, the name... Don't base your college selection off of the videos you watch and the stories you hear; genuinely visit the college and decide whether it's the right setting for you. I cannot stress how imperative that is. Being a student that has almost completed his freshmen year, I often think about what my college experience would be had I attended a large public school in my home state rather than a wealthy private school 1,300 miles away. But that is just speculation. Ahron, if you are reading this as a high school student in some sort of parallel universe, I strongly suggest you visit your future school. Get to know some of the upperclassmen, stay a night in a dorm, whatever. Just do something to make ensure that you know what you're getting into. It will save you the time and more importantly the stress of thinking about if there is a better school out there for you. Don't pick the school because of your preconceived notions; trust me, Ahron, in the case of picking the right college, go by your certainty rather than your fantasy.


If I could go back in time to last year when I was a high school senior, the advice I would give myself would be four simple rules. The first rule I would tell myself is to get involved with as many clubs and sports as possible. I was in a lot of sports and clubs but I could have been in more. I was part of the Dance Team, Cheerleading, Track and Field, Marching Band, French Club and National Honors Society. The second rule ties in with the first and that is to try out for every position, whether it’s president, captain, vice president, squad leader, secretary, or even treasurer. The third rule would be to surround myself with people who encourage me to succeed, are positive and aren’t trying to bring me down. This was a major setback during my senior year because I fell into a bad place, but my parents got me back onto the right path. The last rule would be to never limit myself and to keep my mind wide open, because if I can believe, then I can achieve whatever I set my mind to.