I would tell myself to not let anything or anyone get in the way of getting your education. Have determination and never give up on your dreams. Be persistent and don't take no for an answer. Be aware of who you are, even if you don't know where you are going or who you want to become, keep going until you figure it out. I would tell myself to not be afraid and keep going, even when you are at your lowest point, pick yourself back up and persevere.
Get Good Grades in hgih school, it really does count! I always thought that adults were full of it when they told me to not settle for that C. But high school was so easy and I could pass without putting in much effort. I regret that so much now. I would tell my high school self to put in just a little more effort to get even a B. Now I am about to turn 24, 7 years out of high school and I still havent finished college because i have no way of payng for it. If only my younger self would have dedicated a bit more time to school
Apply for mor scholarships and don't be afraid about meeting new people. Everyone wants to meet someone new during college, so everyone is pretty open. :)
The advice I'd give myself would be the same advice my father tried to give me. "After school, do your homework, and review what you did in will be easier to study for exams that way because you won't have to re-learn any of the material". Procrastination, I was told, is the mother of disaster, and I learned that the hard way. If I could go back and tell myself this, I am sure high school would have been easier. Afterall, I did not listen to my father, but I would surely listen to myself!
Hello Self! Yes we do look fabulous, so take heart and be patient on that front. Here's my advice. Do what makes you happy, not what others expect of you. You will inevitably make stupid mistakes, but we’re better and stronger for having made them. Have no regrets. You will change your major several times, but you’ll learn from those experiences as well. Though you'll doubt it, your final choice was the right one. And you will be unhappy several times between where you are now and where I am today. But we’re pretty happy with who we’ve become. Stay the proverbial course and keep your faith in God. Maybe kiss a few more boys. And don't give up the clarinet, even when we give up being a music major. All of our choices got us to this point and I wouldn't change a single thing. Life will not be what you expected, but great things are coming your way. Enjoy every second of it! Relax more. Don't be in such a hurry to be an adult. Oh, and stay away from the 8am classes; we are not a morning person.
To save students the first college semester of adapting to hard work, I would recommend to read all the material that is taught in class straight from the course book, and to do practice problems in order to keep up with the schoolwork. This is potentially the most valuable advice to an incoming freshman, as it underlines the fact that one must become personally responsible of the course material, and to not give any excuses for poor grades or eventual failures. The toughest part of this transition for me was to become an independent individual in the process of becoming a professional. It is important to lay out a career plan by which to tactfully proceed in a step by step fashion. I would also advise any student making this transition to exercise as much as possible, and to incorporate relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation into their daily routine in order to manage the stress of the courseload. Also, I would recommend to keep a strong support system in order to remain stable and to avoid feeling lost in case of potential conflicts with new roomates and professors.
Hello Pablo!
You are almost there, you're running towards the finish line but wait! there are a lot of obstacles on your way. You have SATs, ACTs, AP Exams, College applications, Scholarship applications, on top of all your current high school courses work. What to do? Well, it is all very simple, learn time management skills! Be your own leader and realize which things you need to prioritize. Study hard for your SAT and ACT exams, these will really help you get into a good school. Apply to EVERY school you desire, the worst thing they can say is no and you'll just move on. Once you're done with your exams and college applications, take a week off, relax, because soon, you'll need to start scavaging for scholarships. This WILL be a tedious journey, but one well worth it. Apply to as many scholarships as you find yourself eligible for, and yes, this includes those random "survey scholarships" or the ones asking you if you have hair in your food to be eligible. College may seem expensive, but after you search, you'll find answers to your college expenses. Be safe Pablo! and ENJOY COLLEGE!
If this was even a possibility, I wouldn't hesitate to tell myself that everything will be okay. I would reassure my little self that I have what it takes to make it in college and anywhere that I want. I wouldn't even hesitate on applying everywhere I've ever wanted. I would also allow myself to get myself together and go to Boston University and not have to worry about the finances. By that point, I'm sure I'd be laughing since my life turned out to be SO differently than what I had already planned. "Let yourself be." would most definitely be my main message. Life will sort itself out, but only if you let it.
Many people get fake I.D.'s. Freshman dorms are a blast. Be social.
Stay focused and always adjust. Life is ever changing, and to be accepting is the key.