University of Miami Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Miami know before they start?


College has been a great learning experience because it gave me the opportunity to learn new things, especially about the world, and has equiped me to be a more determined persistent person who thinks logically, being compassionate and respectful to others. I have gotten a good perspective of what the real world will be like in the workforce because of my college experience. I have encountered classmates that have so much views about campus life and the world around them, they advocate for so many social and economic causes. They have opinions about everything that goes on in the world today, finding ways to improve social and economic problems in the world through clubs, meetings, seminars, and public activities on campuses. Not only have I experienced great classmates, I have also experienced great professors that want to hear their students' views about subject matters about subject matters discussed in class , they enjoy interacting with students, encouraging them to learn about course material and events that shape their world today. Overall, my college experience helped me realize that a person's opinion should be heard on a subject matter, respecting their views.


What I have gotten out of my college experience is a better understanding of the business world as well as how computer , networking, and application work and how they work together. College has been valuable to attend in such a way that the wealth and knowledge as well as experince is greatly obtain , learned, used, and applied in the business world.


I have gained a lot of responsibility and have learned a lot.


College is an experience that can not be encountered through any other means but to experience it soley by yourself. High school doesn't even compare to the college life - living away from home, having to teach yourself the material, making new groups of friends is all a part of college life. Not only these things, but having to share a tiny room with someone else, along withhaving to share a bathroom with 43 other girls has been quite a challenge. However, these experiences have taught me so many things. I've come to gain a respect for so many types of people, the way that these people live and interact, and also learned how to interact and get to know these people that have come across the nation and the world to fulfil their potential - something both I and they have in common. It has been a phenomenal experience and I would not have wanted to attend any other university. I have gained so many great experiences and so much knowledge just from my first semester and I can't wait to see what the next 3 and a half years bring. It's all about the U!


In the few years that I have been in college, I have received many friends and words of wisdom that would other wise never have been in my life if I had not gone to college. These friends and the words they say help me keep going in life, I truely believe that if I was not in school now; my life would be pretty shallow. I know deep in my heart that if I had taken a year off before going to college, I would have become just another statistic in the revolving circle we call life. Also coming from a single parent home, where my mother was beaten repeatedly, has set me apart from other students in my class who take this education thing for granted. Therefore this is absolutely the only and most important reason why college has been so valuable to attend. I have to make something of myself.


When I first got to the University of Miami, I had no idea what was going to happen. In retrospect four years later, I see that it challenged me in many aspects. It challenged me in academics and my carreer, which was the original intent. However, it grasped all aspects of my life and pushed my time management, social skills and management skills. I was able to get involved in professional organizations on campus, get leadership positions and engage in social and volunteering programs. All this was added to already my busy schedule. College also exposed me to new ways of thinking, reasoning and interacting. All together at times it was very overwhelming but this is what I got out of it: preparation and preserverance. I not only learned knowledge, but the tools that can help me in a myriad of challenges. With this Hurricane that we call "College" (pun intended on the University of Miami's Mascot), I feel uplifted and inspired to take on the problems of today for a more effective and happy tomorrow. For this, I am incredibly thankful to the fact that I was propelled into college, so I could then propell my world.


Going away to college has really helped me step out of my parents and brothers shadows and come out as my own person. I now feel like I am a much more capable person who will one day be able to hold down a serious job, pay bills, and start an independent life that will be whatever I choose it to be. College has helped me uncover the confident woman I can be. I have made friends easily when I thought I would struggle, and I hope these will be lifelong friends. Not to mention, had I not come to the University of Miami and met a girl who made me feel like I could do more with my life at a school with a great architecture program, I wouldn't now be a double major of architecture and international studies. My college experience has been, and will always be, an indispensable part of my life.


I have gotten the best gift any student could recieve out of their college experience. I recieved the gift of feeling confident in every subjuct I study. I came to school hating all the subjects, now I understand every subject I've tackled. I have changed my major once and I'm keeping my new one. My English teacher inspired me to become an English Teacher. It has been very valuable to attend my classes because I have learned more in the past 8 weeks then I have in any college class. I truely love my college!


What have I gotten out of my coolege experience? I gotten a true understanding of sacrifice and determination. In order to get a higher education, you need both. The sacrifice is your time, friends, and possibly employment. Sometimes when you try to better yourself any or all of those come into play, as a roadblock. Then that's where the determination comes in. you have to Push forward, sometimes when you dont want to, in order to get to the place where you want to be. For me, I truly have a passion for my degree and that makes the determination a little easier. The prize is within my grasp, and the journey has made it all the more worth it. Why has it been valuable to attend? When you around people with a common goal, you tend to encoourage eachother. That has been by far the most valuable thing in attending. Being around positive people, all trying to better themselves.


I am currently a college student, specifically a freshman, therefore, my college experience is not one with much experience. However, so far it is fruitful in the aspect of forming my future. Right now I am becoming more familiar with the different fields in engineering and narrowing down my options. Educationally, thus far my experience is good. The University of Miami is a family-oriented, family-steered campus. This makes my college experience, socially, welcoming and warming. There are many sources of help and information accessible to students making the freshman experience ultimately easy. In all, my college experience is exciting and thrilling and one that I wish to continue to grow into.