University of Miami Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Miami know before they start?


I think the biggest thing that parents/students need to consider when choosing a college is the overall package. They shouldn't just choose a school because of academics, but also for sports, oppurtunities, social, location, and anything else that can allow a student to really experience life. I thought I knew what I wanted when I applied to schools, but am so glad I decided to go to Miami because I got the whole package. I would also say that not narrowing down your schools based on what you think you want to study is an important choice.


Whereever you go just make sure you feel at home and that everyone is willing to help you make something out of life.


Do your homework!!! (In high school and when researching prospective colleges.) The former will help you get into the college of your choice while the latter will help you determine what your college of choice is. Go beyond the college guides at the bookstore and university websites. Visit universities that you are interested in (if financially possible) and/or contact official university representatives and students to talk about the university (academics, extra-curricular activities, social scene and general ambience). Don't worry about rankings when trying to decide which college is right for you. A college cannot be fairly represented by a number. In college balance is essential. The pursuit of knowledge should be the major motivation for attending college. That does not necessarily equate to getting the best grades. What is more important is exposing yourself to different subjects, literary works, fields of research and cultural and social experiences. This is the recipe for a meaningful, balanced college experience.


In terms of finding the right college, there is really no exact science to it. But I would say your best bet is take time out of your schedule and visit the campus. That is absolutely vital, because there is not a single college brochure on the planet that can give you a real sense of what that school is all about. Secondly, its exteremly important to make a list of attributes that you feel are important in a school. Often I see freshmen who are just at a school because their friends went there or because it was cheap. The most important part of college is going there because YOU want to go there, not because of your friends or your parents or any of that. I know parents are an important part of the process, but in the end it is YOU the student who are living and working there for four years. Don't be afraid to say hello to random strangers your freshman year, chances are the person you say hi to is just as interested in making new friends as you are. Above all else, don't live in the past. Break away from highschool.


It has to feel right.


miami is great as long as you live fast.


There are many factors that should be considered when you are choosing which college you will attend. You can look at the academics, sports, social life, tuition cost, ect. For me, the main reason why I chose the University of Miami was for academics. It is the only school in the state of Florida that offered Biomedical Engineering as an undergraduate degree. I wasn't focused on the cost, since Miami is kind of pricey. But I knew that I would be happy if I went somewhere that I could study what I wanted to study. You have to go where you know you will be happy. Don't follow your friends to a school just so you know someone. Don't be afraid to change your life. One thing that is a definite when deciding is that you need to visit the colleges. The second I stepped onto Miami's campus I knew it was where I belonged. When you pick the right school you will know it, and you will not be able to wait to tell the rest of the world that that is your future school!


The most inportant thing about finding a good college is the atmosphere in which they will be studying. There needs to be a combination of school spirit, kind faces, and a place to have fun besides the tough academic work because all students need to find a break from their work sometimes. It is most important that you find what is most fitting rather than the name or reputation a school represents becuase nobody who dislikes school will be able to flourish in what they wish to do in life. I chose Miami because it was a very welcoming atmoshpere, its school spirit could be seen the minute i toured on campus, and the students were also friendly. I can honestly say that although my average is not a perfect 4.0, I have achieved something here that I would never achieve in any other school.


Find a college that will "upgrade" who you are, not change you. The key to getting the most out of your college experience is getting involved and reach out to others different than you. Making connections with different kinds of people from different walks of life only help you become more open and accepting of others, others whom you will encounter as you continue life after college.


The most important thing in finding a school is finding a place you will be comfortable. Look at your comfort zone and the academics first, price tag last. When there is a will there is a way and you should never let your present financial situation interfere with what you want in life. Find a place where you can really find an identity and can see yourself walking around campus confidently with a smile. Also, DO NOT let little things like the quality of the dorms or how attractive people are have any weight in your decision making process. These things are insignificant! Making the most out of the college experience is really up to you. First of all, take diverse classes. You really never know what might be your passion in life without exploring new fields! Socially, do not be closed-minded. Try to meet as many people as you can and learn from them. Your freshman year is the most accessible time to make friends. Put yourself in a few uncomfortable (but safe) situations and try new things. Make sure you learn about and take advantage of all of the services offered to you on campus.