University of Minnesota-Crookston Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Minnesota-Crookston know before they start?


To me, "making the most of college" is not going to the biggest school with the most popular sports team, or choosing a location based primarily on shopping availability or clubs, but rather finding a place where you feel comfortable being yourself, while getting a top education that will not only lead you to a successful future- but guarantee one. If the student is used to smaller classes where the teacher knows each and every student individually, by name even, then I suggest a small campus. Along with smaller class sizes, the tuition is usually much lower as well which is a definite plus for both the students and the parents. I suggest looking at multiple schools and most importantly, starting early. I made the mistake of starting my college search a little late and never got to visit a lot of the schools i wanted, but in the end, made a great decision with the school I chose.


Don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone when considering a college. Just because it is in a different setting or smaller/bigger town, don't count it out. You never know when you'll find the diamond you're looking for. Parents, let your kids decide for themselves. Try not to hold it over their head about how far away they'll be or how they need to change their study habits. They'll make you proud.


do your research about each school that you think about attending


Know what degree you want to get is an important part to finding the right college, but it is not essential. Figure out what you want for a social life with the college and outside of the college. Make sure it is an area that you like for example if you don't like winter and snow don't come to school in the Midwest. Look at the size of the college is what size you feel that you will be comfortable. Also looking the financial aid that you can receive from the school and the cost of attending. There are many of college that give you just as good of degree as Harvard and Yale without such a big cost. Just keep looking there is some college out there for everyone. Also do not be afraid if you do not know anyone who is going to that school that is part of the adventure. Trust me you will find friends that you will become very tight with.