University of Mississippi Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known what major I wanted to declare.


I wish I had known how bad the parking situation was at The University of Mississippi. This is a common problem at many schools but especially at Ole Miss. This problem can be greatly attributed to the unexpected growth that the university has experienced in the recent years. If one moves his/her car, even just for a few minutes, they can rest assured that it will not be there when he/she returns. I even have to walk across campus to the gym to avoid getting a ticket. A bicycle purchase solved this problem quickly though!


I wish that I'd known about the dining options at Ole Miss or better stated, the lack thereof. There are two places to eat on campus: Johnson Commons and the Union. Johnson Commons' food is generally bad. The people who work there take little pride in their work and generally don't care if students get good food or not. There is also a lack of care shown when washing dishes. The Union has better food but it is more expensive and it's also like eating out everyday.


I wish that I had known that the drinking here is as bad as it is.


I wish I knew a little bit more about the Southern culture.


Get involved right away. It's a great way to help you make friends and create a good social life. My first semester in college, I went to my classes and then home at 5, sat down and watched TV. I was very unhappy, until someone asked me to join a group of theres. I started doing better in school and I met people that I am going to be friends with for a long time.


That this was a "marriage" school.


How to budget money more effectively. It gets tight.


I wish I had know how hard college was.


How welcome I would fell.