I would give myself the advice to try new things and not be afraid to go after my passion. It is okay to take the route that isn’t “safe” if it will make you happy. A lot of people waste time in college studying subjects that are “safe” instead of doing what they really want to do. This can be a waste of time. Life is too short to live by anyone else’s rules. Be it your fashion taste, career goals, or extracurricular activities, stop worrying about being “safe” and fitting in. Just do what truly makes you happy. It is the people who step outside if the box and follow their dreams that are looked up to the most and who receive the most happiness out of life. The sooner you explore and get to know yourself and what truly makes you happy, the sooner you will reach success and confidence.
I would remind myself that college is nescesary to get where I want to be in life. Get involved with organizations such as Chi Alpha that will help keep me rooted in my faith while attending school. Find a group of friends that will stay with you and have your back for the most part. If you can find them in your major, then that's even better. College will get you where you want to be; stay focused and keep moving forward.
to wait to have children until I completed college and to learn efficient and effective time management to properly and successfully complete college.
If I could go back and give myself advice, I would say to go to the college you always wanted to go to. It's very important to go with your gut and to do what you want to do. Remember to look over classnotes the night that you take them so they stay fresh in your memory. Also, it would be nice if more paychecks were saved to contribute to college.
Tamara, you need to get organized! Use that planner that you tossed aside last Christmas. Write all of your assignments down and make your own deadlines. Mark them off as you complete each one, breaking big things down so you don't get overwhelmed. You know that procrastination is easy; hanging out with friends is too much temptation. Find a way to get everything important in and you'll have plenty of time to have fun. Don't wait until the last minute because the stress is just not worth it! Practice making your own schedule so you will be ready when you get into college next year. Adults do it themselves, and it's sink or swim sometimes. Mom and Dad won't be there to hold your hand and guide you through a lot of the time. You are going to love college! If you get it together now, it will be even more awesome!
We all hear if we were able to go back to our past and do it all over again, we would do things differently. When I think about my years in college twenty-five years ago and compare them to my years in college now, I realize all of things I could tell myself as a high school senior. I didn't take my education seriously when I started my years in college. I was more worried about joining the campus sorority and meeting different people. I often skipped my classes. If I could have been there to give advice, I would have stressed the importance of going to class and completing all of the required work. As a senior in high school, I may not have listened to this advice. Still, I would continue to tell myself that it takes a very long time to pull up a low grade point average. In order to get the most out of your education, you have to put in the effort. I am a different student now. I am not only older, but wiser. I put the effort into school each day and now have a 4.0 average!
Through my college experience so far Ihave learned that it is definatly a learning experience, you realize and learn something new about yourself everyday! The most important thing is to keep up with attendance because it is very easy to fall behind. I cannot wait and am very enthusiastic to continue my education and am grateful to have the opportunity to attend college!
My college experience has given me much more good than bad. Ive already learned more than I thought I would coming out of high school.
From my college experience, I learned how to communicate and interact with people from different backgrounds. I gained the knowledge of how to appreciate everything and to work hard.
I am 47 yrs old and it took several years of traveling Central and South America to finally realize my interest. Once I started going back to college, the Spanish classes I took were able to explain many of the rules that the native speakers could not also many of my anthropology classes were able to explain cultural aspects and info on many of the archaeological sites that I had visited. I now have an associates degree in Spanish and I am two classes away from one in anthropology. I now want to take my education further to major in both Spanish and anthropology.