I have always enjoyed the opportunity to learn. The academic environment is exciting and refreshing. It is truly amazing to see the power of putting great ideas together. Students can bring fresh ideas and teachers can help the student to channel those important thoughts into great work. It has been valuable to attend college because it encourages me to think more broadly and to consider various options. To feel that one is moving forward and learning is valuable. Going back to college this year has helped me to feel like I am moving forward when I had previously felt quite stuck. It gives me something to look forward to and is a powerful motivator.
So far, I have not been able to start attending college. I was planning on going in the fall but the lack of money is what stopped me. But I went through the process of meeting with advisors and professors up at Sinclair Community College and I got a feel for what college life is kind of like. I really want to attend this spring, sense I am planning on becoming a theatre major, I want to audition for the play Dog Sees God. That would be a really good experiance for me. I also want to become an English teacher at the high school level, so I just need money so I can make my dreams a reality. I am working while living out on my own and being a person who loves school, it is really killing me not to be there. I will be the first one in my family to attend college and I really want to make something out of myself, and I know I can do it as long as I set my mind to it, so it would be valuable for me to attend so I can make a good life for myself.
Going to college may be stressful at times but i know the ending results will be rewarding. I learned how to stay focused and not give up. Since im paying to go to school i have to make it worth going. Having to wake up early every morning is difficult and it does affect my social life but in the end i will be rewarded for it. College is valuable because what i learn in school will affect my career after graduating. i have to stay focused so i can be successful in the future.
I have acquired many excellent study habits, memories, and new experiences from my time spent in college. I?ve been exposed to countless new personalities, and a student body that is truly as diverse as New Orleans itself. I feel privileged to attend a university that is so focused on studying, and I plan on taking advantage of my blessing to its full extent.
If I could go back in time to when I was in high school and talk to myself. I would not say anything at all because if I had not made the mistakes I made then. How would I be where I am now? I wouldnt, because I would try to fix those mistakes and I would not be the same person I am today. I may not be proud of everything I have done but if I hadnt done those things I do not know where I would be. I am happy with the person I have become and I will succeed in my life,during, and after college.
If i was able to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what i know now about college life i would tell myself that college cost alot of money, therefore take the ACT test as much as i could until i get a 20 so that i can get TOPs and my parents wouldnt have to come out their pocket to pay for school. The second thing i would tell myself is to get ready to enter into a competive school because UNO is no joke at all-make sure you study hard as you can and say focused focused focused because you dont want to make poor grades. i would also tell myself to be more active [join organization] when i attend college so i can know more things about the campus and have the experience to be around different people.
If I could tell myself anything as a senior in high school pertaining to college paired with what I know now, I would advise savoring every moment and making every year count. College truly does fly by and you have to make every semester matter. Many students goof off their first couple of years and then panic as graduation looms because their GPA is not high enough or they have not figured out what they are going to do with the rest of their lives. Incoming freshman need to understand that their time in college is precious and it needs to be taken seriously. They should take advantage of as many opportunities as possible. Participation in college is key to making an experience a satisfying one. Never skip more than 3 classes if you want to stay on top of your schoolwork. Do not leave things until the last minute just because you think you can handle it. Attend as many campus events as you can because one day, you may look back and regret not being a part of college life. Once this chapter of your life is over, there is no going back to repeat it.
If I were given the opportunity to talk to myself as a high school senior, I'd probably slap myself in the back of the head for being overly carefree about the concept of college. I wasn't a very serious student; I was able to make good grades and I got complacent as a result. I imagined that college was just a bigger version of high school with slightly more pressure: you mess up in college and you're screwed. I would procrastinate on college and scholarship applications, confident that I would be able to get into the college of my choice regardless of my actions. All that mattered was that I get there and excel.
I was right, to an extent. High school doesn't count as much in the real world if you go to college. But the pressure was a lot more than I thought it would be. However, college is also LOT better than high school.
So what would I actually say to my senior self? "You're right: college equals bigger high school. But there are more opportunities than you could ever dream there. Don't screw up, alright? Have fun and enjoy it."
Last semester in my English literature class I really learned a lot about myself, and my teacher was there for me to guide me, as any teacher shoud be, and he told me, "You turn learning into play, which is what it should be." This is one thing i would tell myself; learning isn't work, learning is growing, and growing up should be something that is fun. I would tell myself to stop and reflect on the little things in life because that is when you really realize the big things; reflecting allows us time to realize what is really right and wrong in the world, and how we really feel about it--not how conformity wants us to feel about it. The last thing I would have to tell myself would be a quote by Picasso that sayss, "My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso. " I would tell myself to grow in fun, taking in everything, and becoming myself, not a college student, or even a teacher.
I would tell myself study, study, study. Also that if you need help go to tutoring because that can help raise your grades up. Also when your in class dont be afraid to ask the teacher questions or just wait after class to do it. Make sure you scedule your classes early as you can because if you dont, you might end up picking a class you dont want to be in. So all together when starting college get as much sleep as possible, manage your time, study, exercise, eat three times a day, make it to classes on time, and attend events and join clubs.