Looking at how I went about school and work as a senior in high school, there are several things I would tell myself had I the ability to speak to my 'high-school senior' self. First would be the problems with procrastination. I had a problem with getting tasks done ahead of time and I would find myself frustrated and overwhelmed when due dates drew nearer and nearer. Looking back, I would tell myself to at least start on everything right away, regardless of its significance or urgency. Its better to have more done now, than little done later. I would also encourage myself to read more often and to spend less time on the computer and even less time watching television. Reading keeps the mind busy and will help to increase comprehension skills when in college, making it easier to understand and retain information. I would say that getting involved in community services, school clubs, societies, and things like All-State Band or other similar groups, will help your area of experience and will not only benefit in terms of personal growth, but colleges will look upon your interests and involvment very fondly. Don't settle for good enough.
I would tell myself senior year is not the time to slack off from studying. I would make sure to apply for all the financial aid and scholarships early. I would tell myself to study everything and not just what I need to know. I'd ask more question in class and be more involved in student activities. Be sure to tell myself to that college isn't as easy as I'd thought it would be. The key to passing classes is by getting ahead in your studies. I would make sure to tell myself to be prepared forevery class.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to stop and take a deep breath. Not to worry about what to major in, not to worry about if I will fit in, not to worry about what classes to take, and not to worry about if I will fail. I would tell myself to not worry so much, that I am going to go to a great college with great teachers and I will do just fine.
To be open to different options that would affect my future.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior some advice I would give myself would be when I get accepted into college not to sign up for early classes, study hard, and enjoy life. Singing up for eight o ' clock classes was the worst thing I could had ever done while atttending college. No one told me it would be so hard getting up in the morning to go to class. Not only that, the class I had was biology I didnt know lecture would be so boing that I would struggle not to fall asleep. Then my professor would lock the door at eight o 'clock so even if I was just a little late I would miss class. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to study often. I would study often because most professors give pop quizes on the last class material, and if you look over the material before you go to class you would be better prepared. The last thing I would tell myself would be to enjoy life and live like there is no tomorrow because lifes short and you only live once.
If I could go back four years ago and give advice to myself as a senior, I would say, “You should attend a community college before going to a big four year college. Community colleges are such a wonderful place to transition into from high school. They are fairly small, easier classes, and usually close to home. College is expensive enough, so do not waste time taking out loans your first two years if you can take your basics for much cheaper. Then, after two years, transfer to a university to finish your bachelors degree.
Pay attention your senior year! I know you want to get out and move on with your life, but keep working hard so you can get good grades. Really consider what you enjoy doing so you will have an idea once you get into college. Instead of taking study hall to fill that last class spot, take a class that interests you such as art, music, or psychology. People are constantly changing their majors in colleges, which only pushes them farther behind and needing more money.”
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself to always do the best I can. My parents' always told me to study, it would pay off oneday. I did study as a senior, but not near as much as I should have. College is a lot different than high school. It is harder, and you are on your own. I would tell myself not to wait for my parents' to say "Katie, do your homework!" I would do it myself, without being constantly told. It is a hard transition to make. I went from living at home with my parents' and two sisters to living an hour and a half away from home in a building with about 600 people. Scholarships are hard to come by. If I would have made straight A's in highschool, I would have had a better change at receiving a scholarship. Another thing i would tell myself is to get a job as a senior. I would tell myeslf to save my money and not spend it, becuase college is very expensive.
Take some time to figure out what you really want to do for the rest of your life. Don't rush into anything. It's expensive and time consuming to go to college, and it gets harder to go back the older you get, so make sure you really think through this decision. I rushed into business college right out of high school simply because it was what I was good at. I learned really late that this isn't how I want to spend the rest of my life. Now, here I am in my thirties trying to work full time and go back to school to earn a bachelor's degree to makea career change.
Rebecca Kate
Pace yourself. Don't let college math frighten you; find a tutor and give yourself grace to make mistakes, every mistake leads you to know more about yourself and wisdom for the future. Give it your best shot.
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally too. Exercise, get out of your head, don't sweat the small stuff and most of all have fun.