I would advise myself to apply for tons of scholarships and to make sure i was coming out of high school with at least a 3.5 GPA that way i would not have to worry about money problems.
If I were to go back in time, and speak to myself as a high school student, I would have two simple words to say to myself, " Just breathe." Knowing what I know now about the college life, and making the transition could have made an incredible impact on how I went about my high school career. There were so many things I wish I could go back and change, and then again, if it weren't for those things happening I wouldnt be who I am today. And today, I am a better person. However, I know going back to see my high school self I would see a scared, self concious girl and all I can think of to say would be just breathe. Something I never knew I could do until I got to college. Something so simple, but yet so complex it took me this long to figure it out. So high school Stephanie, don't ever, ever forget how to breathe.
Knowing what I know now, I would having taking advantage of my classes, teachers, tutors, and schoolwork. Staying focus is the key to succeeding in college yea its ok to have fun but make sure you take care of your schoolwork first the same effort you put into having fun should be used in the classroom and towards the assignment outside of class. In college you have to discipline yourself since there is so much freedom, you have to set a goal to get things done and still make time to have fun. Sometimes, you have to make a sacrifice there will be some days when you cant do what you want due to schoolwork. This is when you have to be mentally strong because at the end of the day you have to remember what is important and getting your degree is what you came to college for. Finally, you have to stay organize this will help you stay on top of your work, there will be somedays you will get distracted but having a planner or some type of remainder will be useful. Make sure you let your teachers know immediately if you dont understand something no matter.
I would have advised myself to study harder, to obtain a scholarship, and attend college right after high school, instead of waiting to go later in life. The best advice I could have given myself would be not to put things off till tomorrow, what you could do today. When tomorrow gets her it is today and you end up not getting it done. Waiting until mid-life to go to college and obtain a degree is hard to do. The hardest thing about waiting till mid-life to go to college is that there other issues to deal with besides just college; you have family and kids to raise, work to pay your bills – and it takes a lot away from your college schedule, whether it be study or taking less classes and taking longer to obtain your degree. Start a career while you are young, instead of working hard all your life and still not getting anywhere and end up going to college later to have the career you always wanted.
"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship." L.M. Alcott
I would tell myself that I can't control everything, to do my best, and stay calm. Life is going to toss you around, be ready for the blows and take everything one day at a time. You weren't a traditional senior, so your experiences changed who I am, and who I want to be. I'd make sure to get it through your mind that math is important, and it just gets harder as you go along. Take your time, and don't underestimate what your capable of. Never give up on your dreams, they are what define you. Time won't change what happens, the good and bad, but it can change how you feel about yourself. Love your family, they are your greatest supporters. Dad will always love you, even if you don't agree. Your family is instrumental to your success, sadly, you cant do everything on your own. Ultimately, Id tell myself that you can do anything and everything you set your mind too. You will say you can do it, and you will. I' m proof!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to not stress about it so much. Coming out of high school into college can be so scary and stressful worrying about making new friends, if the teachers will be mean and if all your financial aid stuff is straightened out. I would tell myself that it will all be fine because the financial aid at UNA is very nice and help explain things and walk you through the process. The teachers are very nice but also professional so don't slack off as much as in high school because the teachers aren't going to make sure you're doing your work like in high school. The students are friendly and you can make friends by just being in the same class as someone iand saying hello. So I'd tell myself not to worry so much. College is a lot better than high school and starting college is scary but so is any new adventure.
I would tell m high school self to start saving money. College is very expensive and paying for it has a been such a struggle. I would encourage myself to put all the money I can into a banking account. I would also tell myself to become a better critical thinker and develop a studying habit that would merit good grades. I would advise myself to choose my friends wisely and continue to pray and read the word of God.
I attended a very small, all white high school. There were 29 seniors in my graduating class. Because my high school is so small, the faculty and staff really do not make academics a high priority. Also, because I was very involved on campus and an athlete, making good grades was a breeze. Throughout high school I was a "slacker". I took my grades seriously but never really had to work hard. The first thing I wish I could tell my old me is to learn how to study. Today, I still struggle with studying in a way that is beneficial. I would also tell myself not to be to shy. Because my high school was so small, I knew everyone by name and really didn't have to worry about making friends. Coming to college has helped me to be more open to other people, whether it be their ethnicity or belief, and more open to making friends. College has not been what I expected; it has been more! I love my school, teachers, campus, intramurals, and on-campus job!
Looking back seven years after high school graduation and two years after college graduation, there are many things about life I have learned. From all of these life lessons there is one piece of advice in particular I would love to go back in time and give myself as a high school senior.
I graduated from Pennsylvania State University in the midst of the job market crisis. I was able to find a job within a month of graduation but it is not what I would consider a career. This is because I did not pick a major that would lead to a promising career path. I am now going back to school to become a nurse. This means going into debt with school loans while working fulltime to pay monthly bills. Therefore, the most important advice I would have given myself is to chose wisely the degree you decide to earn while in college. The economy is tough and it is important to do the research to determine what career paths are in demand. Because going to school is so expensive it is pertinent to pick a major that presents a sucessful career path for the future.
I would tell myself as a high school senior that you are going to do great things in life. Don't let your physical disability, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, keep you from reaching your goals in life! Just because you grew up in a poverty stricken single parent home doesn't mean the world will not accept you. Just because you have a disability, doesn't mean the world will not accept you. Don't let others tell you what you can and can't do. You can achieve ANYTHING you set your mind to! You ARE going to become a Fashion Designer! You ARE going to be an amazing missionary. You ARE going to travel the world and change the lives of others! This advice I give to you as you are about to go to college and have the experience of a lifetime. Don't lose yourself and stay strong! Life is only the beginning, so don't waste it! God bless you!