To choose the right school for you ask yourself are you easily distracted from school work? Do you value your social life over your classwork? Do you know what you want to do with your life? My advice would be if you are very social, but have your priorities in line I would attend a bigger college that you have your heart set on. Do not let your friends talk you into going with them because you will always have them as your friends and will meet new people and have new fun experiences. If you are like me and worried about how you are going to pay for the college of your choice there are a lot of grants, scholarships, and student loans available to help financially. Attending college is a one in a lifetime opportunity to improve your education and experience the world and to grow as an individual. If you have the chance to go to college do not pass you by you will regret it. The experiences you have will make you, who you are today and build a the framework for a wonderful career through the education you obtained at the university you choose.
When graduating out of high school and its your senior year, you look for a college that is going to best suit you and your parents. You want to make sure that you're going to have the college experiance but also maintain your grades and meet new friends. In my case University of North Alabama (UNA) was the best choice for me. Its some what of a large college which means few parties and more studying. The teachers and advisors at UNA are there to help you and makse sure that everything you need for college and are trying pursue in college is there for you. UNA would be the best college for anyone that wants to have the college experiance, meet friends that are frinedly, and teachers/advisors that are willing to help you strive for your goal in life when you graduate and are in the real world.
It is important to know what you want to study before you start. That way you can find the college that offers that program. Then you can choose the school that fits into your price range. Once you find the right college and begin your studies, do your best to make good grades and to stay on top of things. However, make sure that you have room in your life for other things as well. Try to make the most of the experience, and let Jesus be your focus through it all.
When you are searching for the right college or university to attend make sure that you can recieve some finanicial assistance. Some other things to consider, college offer on or off campus living, meal plan, and what programs do they offer? You should also look at the community surrounding the college or university.
Do not choose a school for social reasons. Choose the school that you will be the most sucessful in, but do consider social factors (just do not make that the sole reason of your choice).
I wouldn't tell anyone how to live in college but to experience college with an open mind. Time in college will be an experience to learn how one will be able to live in the world with out any holding your hand. I would tell the parents not worry about their sons or daughter because they have to let them make their own mistakes and learned how to solve them by themselves only to have the parents help when its an extremely situation. I would tell a student coming in to college to live their life the fullest while their because this is an experience that will open their minds to difficult situations but they will have to learn how to live with it. Don't make a big situation about finding the correct college to go into just find a college that you will feel comfortable to live in and willing to spend your life their for the next four years. College will help you make who you are before starting your career in life.
Do a lot of research and make sure that the school fits both your personal and educational needs.
One do not rush into making a decision on which college to attend right away. Two go to the college and talk to as many students as possible. Three visit as many class rooms as possible. Fourth try and talk to alumni if at all possible.
Go where you want to go to college. You will only be happy if you are where you're meant to be. Don't neglect the importance of studies to go where the social scene you want is at. Be involved in your student government or other clubs to get to know students and faculty. You will do a lot better in classes if you know your professor by showing up for class and going to their office with any questions. I think it is important to meet and hang out with people from your classes. This way, you can make study groups and have fun while working! The key to being successful in college is balance between fun and academic, studying and relaxing, working and playing.
Go where you feel you could see yourself comfortably at this time next year when you're in college. If you could see yourself there, then that's where you belong.