University of North Alabama Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Alabama know before they start?


The advice that I would give myself if I were to go back in time would be to not give up just because you think the grass may be greener on the other side. I graduated with an associate's degree and was offered a job, making what I believed was decent money. I became tired with the whole "school" situation and decided that I would not need anything higher than an associate's degree to get a good job. Now it is more than 12 years later and I am re-enrolled in school trying to finish up what I should have finished on the first time around. It was much easier to do the work back when my worries were fewer and I didn't have children to run around and support. I love my life that I have now, but my goal is to finish college before my children finish high school.


Considering I am a high school senior, I do not think that I can go back in time to tell myself about college life, but I do have a friend who has attended the college of my choice who has told me a few things about college. She told me to make sure I fill out every scholarship application as possible because you never know what you will receive. She also told me to live life as a high school senior like it is the last year of your life because in a small sense it is. After high school you are put out in the real world and expected to uphold more responsiblities than in high school. She also told me to be involved in as much extracurricular activities as possible and make sure to strive to make the best grades possible. I think that I have upheld all of these tips handed down to me by a friend who I would claim as a sister. I have been involved in almost every club available at my school as well as basketball and softball. I have also been named Valedictorian of my graduating class.


If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would warn myself. I would tell myself that college is a whole different world. It is fun and challenging. I would tell myself that I cannot expect to be the best at everything, that would just cause a lot of strife. I would tell myself to double check friendships I had made. I would tell myself to love me for who I am and to not change for anyone or anything. If I could tell myself all of those things before having to learn them the hard way, I believe that I would have a few less "gray" hairs.


I would tell myself to stay focus on my academics. Keeping up your grade point average is hard work and it takes dedication. I would tell myself to not go out and party to much. A student needs to balance his or her social life with his or her academics pushing the academics to weigh more than social affairs. I would also tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as I could. College life expenses are very high and can stress a student out. I would also ask myself if I was sure about the college I chose to attend. I would advise myself to go back and check out all possiblities for colleges. To end the advice to myself I would say always strive for your best in everything you do.


I would tell my self to relax and not to stress over classes. I would encourage myself to take time to study but to also take time to rest. Don't get involved with extracurricular actitives that do not suit my personality. I would tell myself to use caution when choosing friends; Not associate with people who pull me out of who I am as a person. I would be more aware of the people I allow to be in my personal space. Only invite those who with help edify me as a person, not raze me. I would keep a closer watch at my bank account and not assume it is not in the negative. Becareful what I let come out of my mouth and who I say things to. I would tell myself to extract from college and people what will only make me stronger. I would tell myself to be anxious for nothing, but in all things give honor to God. To be grateful and appreciative of the education opportunity that I have been freely given. I would tell myself to not be spoiled and to grow up and realize mom won't be here always.


I took a year off after I graduated from high school to work and earn money so that I could pay for school the next year. In my first year of college I have seen the difference in maturity level between me and the other freshman, I have been out in the world for a year, I waited tables and worked retail for a year and I have seen how important it is to work hard to get an education, to go to class, to do all the homework (even if it is not taken up and ?graded?) I made all A?s and B?s my first semester because of the knowledge I got during that year off. The first thing I would tell myself if I could go back would have been to get myself in gear and apply for scholarships so that I would have less to pay out of pocket for school. I would still probably tell myself to take a year off, enjoy it and work hard. I would also tell myself to have faith in myself, and no matter how scared I am about change that I can do it and I will adapt.


I would definitely tell myself to try not to get sucked up into the party scene. Trying to party all the time will definitely get you behind in your school work. I wish I would have thought about this before I started my freshman year.


Going back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior would be an opportunity that would help me tremendously. The first thing I would tell myself is to research colleges better. Make sure that your heart is set on the university you want to attend, and go there. Go there only if it is what you want and will like for the next 4 years. Research the schools, tour the campuses, do anything that will help you make your decision. Another thing I would tell myself is to apply for many more scholarships. College is a very expensive adventure. Any scholarship that you can apply for, apply for it, any bit of financial aid helps. Having this knowledge would help me be in a better situation than what I am now.


I would tell myself to try to get more scholarships than I did.


I would go back and advise myself about applying for scholarships and grants. This was something that I never really got guidance on. I received help from my school counselor and such, but I was very confused about all of that. I think I would also advise myself to not be afraid to get involved in anything I want to in college. Back when I in high school I was involved, but still very shy and quiet. I think I would encourage myself to really explore what I want to do in the future. I have changed my major many times, and I think with a little push of telling myself what it is that I find interesting, I could focus earlier on this major. Finally I think I would advise myself to enjoy my college years and make the most of every day. What one person does on one day can impact the world in innumerable ways.