I would tell myself that babies and marriage are not your only option. Life is not going to turn out the way you think it will and things will not just fall into place. That hand of yours that doesn't work right now, will grow one of the muscles back. Don't give up on your dream of being an artist because you will just come right back to it after years of yearning. This is a fork in the road so don't break your own heart and don't let yourself be defeated by not exploring the unknown. Your smart, capable, strong, creative and worth so much more than you gave yourself credit for. And when you do this, go big, don't waste your time at a 2 year college. Go to a university get your BA or BFA and not for one minute should you think your not good enough because you will achieve so much more than what you though you were strong enough to endure. Babies will come and so will love, just don't rush it. Wait for the right one to come at the right time. And most importantly FIND GOD!
Hello Self,
Back in 1988 I was a very young mother of two beautiful girls. Even through having two daughters while still in High School I managed to graduate ON TIME! I had dreams of attending college once I finished high school but was unable to. I am glad I decided to wait until both of my girls were out of high school before I decided to go back to collge at the nice ripe age of 35. Knowing what i know now about college I wish I would have had the opportunity to live on campus and experiene campus life to the fullest. Working on campus for 3 years gave me an inside look at how much experience college students gain by living on campus. Making the transition into college later in life didn't give me the experience as most get, but I made it my business to join as many clubs as any young college study would. I was very active on my campus.
Self, I want to say that "it's never to late" to enjoy college, even if you are delayed.
If I were to go back in time to give myself tips, my bigest and most important tip I would give is stay on top of your grades. I did not give my proffesors enough trouble about getting my assignments graded and given back to me so I could find out what I was doing wrong with my work. This led me to nearly failing some of my courses. Another huge tip I would give is get an early job, and start on getting scholarships NOW! It was to late by that point to raise my class rake high enough to win any merit based scholarships but I surely could have gone back and worked on recieving need based money so I could go to school. The last thing I would tell myself is to be responsible. College is a big step and alot of freedom. I knew this going in and thought I was responsible enough to take it, but I learned that College is much more difficult then highschool and that more time should be spemt on working then it should on personal pleasure.
DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN DATING RIGHT AWAY! I would tell myself ot focus more on school and less on my social life because it would put me in a better place than I am now.
If I could go back in time and advise my high school senior self on how to become better prepared for the college lifestyle and transition, I would strongly emphasize the best money management and decision making possible. College is a point in life where things become a bit more "real" then I think I had ever participated in before. You have no one there to constantly keep after you, clean up after your mistakes, turn to in some normally easily or difficultly handled times of need, or just to simply remind you of your math project due in the next couple days. It is suddenly all about the decisions and routes you decide to take. Only you can decide and no one else. If you want to blow your money on items such as unnecessary apparel or supplies, or if you choose to stay out the night before a huge test, there is no one there to advise you otherwise. You must be your own voice of reason and decide whether your next choice is turn down the right or wrong road.
While I was in high school I had a huge expectation of the kind of person I was going to be in college. Since I was leaving Alaska and moving out of state, I had this facade going on in my mind that I was starting a new life. I quickly learned that unless you change yourself the person that you are does not become any different by merely changing locations. In high school I was intent on being super-focused earning a 4.0 gpa every semester and not go to college for just the social experience that goes along with it. I wanted to go to college for a purpose and get out of it what I put in. I did have great success in college my freshman year earning a 3.80 gpa, however I can honestly say I was not happy or having any fun while in school. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to lighten up, stay focused but also understand that life is short and no day is promised to anyone. I would tell myself to enjoy each day while also working hard to achieve success.
Don’t be nervous. College is different than high school, but it is not something to worry about. In time, you will meet good people, and make lifelong friends. Don’t concern yourself over the little things. Do your best in every class, and speak up, even when you are nervous. Stay true to yourself and let your opinions be known. Don’t hide behind everyone else’s answers hoping no one will notice. Everyone who comes to college comes from different walks of life. Those different walks will open your eyes to things you never knew. Embrace the differences and learn from them. It is never bad to be different because those differences make us unique. High school may have been tough for you, but college will be better. You make college into what you want it to be. No longer are you limited in your educational experience. Choose the classes you want, and choose the life you want to live. You have to put in the work to make your college experience great. So, give it all you have, and you surely will not be disappointed.
I would say, Please take high school more serious! You only get to do this once. Even though you think you know everything, I promise you college will slap you into another step closer to the real world. Your actions academically today can effect your college and career life. Don't mess up! Enjoy learning. "Knowledge is the most powerful trait one can have" Remember that. and stop thinking that Mom and Dad don't know anything. You will be surprised in a few years, just how right they were and wrong you were.
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self, I would tell myself to never stop being hungry. By hungry, I mean never being satisfied with the maximum level of work I can produce. I try to remind myself as much as I can that there is always room to improve. For example, if I pass an exam with a B, study harder for the next exam and strive for an A. Since I am an architecture major, competition is critical to the success of my career. Not only are my classmates my friends, I also see them as my rivals. Not only am I here to challenge them, they are here to challenge me. If my classmates maintain a 3.5 gpa for the year, that is the bar that I strive to beat. Having a rival is a healthy way of being the best that you can be. We are all human, we all have room for improvement.
Tommi! Focus! It's your last year in high school, you can't let home life get in the way, trust me! I know things are hard and peoplep won't leave you alone but that's no excuse to stop trying. Try harder! School needs to be your best friend right now, nothing else. You don't know it yet, but you won't get a chance to enroll into college for almost 3 years, you need to try and pass with flying colors, it's so much harder if you don't. Your home life and friends will still be there jus as they were, nothing is going to change, just get it done!