In 2000, I voted for Bush because I knew his daughters, and I hadn?t heard anything horrible about his governorship of Texas. I hadn?t heard much about politics in general. However, on September 11 of 2002 I was attending Berklee College of Music, in Boston. The subsequent fall-out of events on that day uniquely tempered my personal paradigm. Had I remained in Austin I would not have attended college. I would be working as a trim carpenter, like I was before I went to college; getting older, becoming more judgmental, and more fearful in my fragile and defensive state. I would have been preserved in an infantile place, my growth stunted hence. I believe college saved me from believing I was the center of the universe. It taught me to ask the right questions. College provided me with the tools, and the humility, to become self-sufficient.
A sense of accomplishment that I haven't felt from anything else that I have done. Confidence. Some admiration from others. Use the skills learned to volunteer and help others. Knowing I can take care of myself and be on my own during college. Student loans were worth it and have since paid them off as planned. Friendships. Great memories.The greatest benefit was the completion of a long term plan/goal. Realizing because of college that there are a lot of things I can accomplish if I want to.
My college experience has been strange but ultimately rewarding thus far. Applying myself to making a difference in lives, whether they can speak for themselves or not, is how I get my kicks. Having the knowledge to help in a situation where someone can't help themselves; Simply put, it's a good feeling. I just need a little help getting that knowledge to apply. That's where you come in. So if being driven with kindhearted motivation is what you are looking for, I'm what you're looking for.
I would have to say that the greatest experience gained from college has been the need and ability to advocate for myself. Due to a learning disability it takes a bit longer to complete tasks and I am often studying longer than some of my peers. However, I am still here, I will be graduating, and have developed relationships that will last a lifetime. Many others have dropped out or have had no experience with asking for help. UNCC wants its' students to be successful adults. In the working world, resources that are availale to make the job easier or more effective are not always readily available. I know how to network, to reach out to those that know more than me, and I am not afraid to ask for assitance.
I am going to be proud to say I am a UNCC graduate and I know that I will be a valuable member of whatever company I will work for a perhaps even own one day. Dreams are only magnified by college life. The possibilities are endless and I look forward to making my mark on the world.
I couldn't ask for my college experience so far to be any better! It is so valuable to attend college to learn many of the lessons you need to succeed on your own in the future. I have learned so much about organization, money management, time management, the importance of friends and family. The value of college is so important not only for the sake of an education but for the lessons that will be learned on an everyday basis. Networking, communication, self discipline, how to think and how to learn are all important parts of the college experience beyond just an education. College is the time to grow and figure out who you are and what you want to make of your life. Attending a college or university is the greatest experience that I have had and it has and will continue to teach me so many things that I never would have learned had I not gone to college. I hope that all people get the chance to go to college and get this experience and learn their own valuable lessons.
One of the most important life-long lessons that I've recieved in college is the fact that I know where to seek answers to questions that I may have. Even if I do not know the the specific answer; and maybe not even completly understand the question, college has prepared me to properly seek out information in any subject matter. I have also learned how to deal with people from all walks of life and ethnicities. This in itself has made me a more well-rounded individual with the confidence and ability to spark a conversation and feel comfortable conducting business and interacting with anyone. It is valuable to attend college for the simple fact that there is so much to learn and see in this world that we live in; if a person wanted to, he/she could essentially learn something new every single day. College teaches you how to appreciate this gift of knowledge, empowerment, and the process of bettering oneself.
Attending college is a great experience, both good and bad. I have learned the importance of responsibility and self-control, as well as the importance of being open-minded. When you first come to college you become overwhelmed with the freedom you are now given, but very few people understand that with that freedom comes a great deal of life responsibilities. Also unlike high school, you learn that you have to make a good relationship with your professors and this in the long-run will make a big impact on your success as well. Not only does going to college allow you to get a further education to make something out of your life in this world, but it comes with well embraced memories that can never be compared to anything else. You learn to take advantage of everything life throws at you, as well as accepting all kinds of people who may be nothing like you. All of this becomes valuable to you because it helps contribute to who and what you are in your future.
After almost a year of schooling from UNCC I've learned a lot. I have learned a lot more academically wise from the classes I have taken, but I have also learned a lot about society. I say this because when you come to any unviversity, you meet a wide range of new people and they are all different because they come from many different area's of the world. For example, here at UNCC I've met people who are from the Charlotte are and have been from this area all their life; however, I've also met people who are from overseas like Europe and Asia and I've learned a lot about their society as well as ours. Academically wise I've learned a lot because college courses are more intricate and difficult than high school classes and to keep good grades you actually have to study and do your work. So, lets just say that if I was not attending college right now I would probably be living at home with my parents working a minimum wage job and not learning anything new in life except maybe how to flip a burger at Wendy's.
I would tell myself to start as an undeclared major because no one can know what they want to do at 18 years old. I would tell myself to take classes offered by every department in the school to be sure that I liked what I decided to major in. Then I would tell myself to make a clear plan and follow it. I changed my mind several times while in school and that ended up hurting me when I decided to start looking for a career. I changed where I wanted to live after graduation and what I wanted to do. I got out of school in only three years because I only focused on finishing classes, instead of on what I planned to do with the knowledge I had gained once all the classes came to an end. Having a plan with clearly outlined goals is the key to success in life but I don't think it can be done until a person has a clear idea what kinds of careers they would like and in what kinds of industries they would excel.
I would have solely chosen my college on the basis of my major,instead of athletics, as I did at my first college. The college match is paramount to success in school on all levels, especially your career which is your primary college goal. Now, I am going to an excellent school that matches my personality, career and athletic goals. This match has made me a much happier and more successful student who will complete my degree ( in 5 years) with optimal career opportunities. This career opportunity was made possible by the UNCC's athletic department's working relationship with the nursing program which is extremely rare for most schools. This relationship exemplifies the school making their athlete's academic and degree completion their focal point. This fully completes matching a school with me as a student; since I have always been a strong student whose primary collegiate goal was to complete a desirable degree.