University of North Carolina at Charlotte Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Carolina at Charlotte know before they start?


The advice that I would give myself would be to take more electives. Coming into college, my major was Undeclared because I had no idea what I wanted to do. If I had taken more elective courses in high school, I wouldve discovered my love for Business. I didn't have enough diversity in my elective courses to really get a feel for anything new. I tended to stick to the same courses, such as Theater which I took all four years. Now that I am in college, I understand the importance of diversity and the need to be well-rounded. Another piece of advice that I would give myself is to be more social. Just as with my elective courses, I was very loyal to the friends I had and didn't care much to meet new people. College has also taught me the importance, as well as the advantage, that networking can give you when it comes to finding a career.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that I need to learn how to ask for help when I need it. Sometimes as freshmen college students and being around a big campus or in a classroom full of upperclassman, it is very intimidating to ask the professor a question in front of the class. Some students may give you looks or even laugh at you but it is ok. The professors are getting paid to teach you and you should make them work for their money. That was my biggest downfall was not asking for help. A lot of times if you ask a particular question, someone in the room is thinking the same exact thing but they were afraid to ask. So my advice is to not be afraid to stand up for what you feel and make sure you get the help you need to succeed.


It is very important to balance school work, work, and your social life. Although school work is very important you also need to take time to meet people and make friendships. Also do not be afraid to put yourself out there, be yourself, and have fun. If you keep to yourself you will have trouble making good friends and your college experience may not be all that it could be. Take advantage of extracurricular activities. They help you make friends as well as give you a new outlook on aspects of your life and give you great experiences. The main part of college is balance!


I would go back and make sure that I saved up more money from working and had kept my car so that I wouldn't have to depend on other people for rides to clinicals. The main thing that I would have told myself was to practice studying and taking notes, in high school I never really had to study and when I came to college I realized that I did not know how to commit knowledge into my long term memory. I also realized in college that I am not a very could test taker and that I stress out, so if I went back I would have my self get help with this problem so that it would not be a problem in college. The best advice would be to know who I am and what I like to do, there are alot of people and different things to do on campus and sometimes you might get lost in it all but if you have a strong background-family and/or friends-then you will do well in college. Make sure that you have someone to talk to and to go to for help that you trust.


The only advise I would give to myself, is to keep doing what your doing. I am the happiest now than I have ever been. I would say, don?t let yourself stress out over the mistakes you have made and will make. I have switched my major three times now, but I feel those were all very important choices. I needed to see what didn't work for me before I could find what did work. And though it would have been easier to start college in North Carolina, I needed to do some growing up in Edinboro first. I have made some great friendships, had a lot of laughs and I have no regrets about my past. Every experience you encounter, look at it as a learning experience; and don?t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Some of my greatest memories are from situations that scared me. Basically, just keep doing what feels right in your heart. Live for what makes you happy and don?t worry about everything else, as long as you stay focused and driven, everything will work out just fine.


To take school seriously, and really make an effort to do the best that i can.


I would first tell myself not to come to school in a relationship because generally they do not work out in when you find out all the different people you could meet and get to know. I would also tell myself to be prepared and get my mind right for school. I would inform myself that school is not easy, and nothing is handed to you in college. I would let myself know that this is really when life starts, and that I need to step up and be that responsible adult that I know my parents raised me to be. I would make that I knew that I had my priorities straight and to make sure I stay true to myself and not become something or someone that I am not. Lastly I would tell myself to make "research" one of my bestfriends because nothing is really out in the open, and if there is something that your really interested in you have to go find out about through research, or the resources found on campus.


Work harder, and take more AP classes.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior I would say, "Try harder in your advanced placement art class to get a higher overall grade to exempt some of the classes at uncc and do not wait last mintue to decide where you want to go to college. Also do not be influnced by friends or family. Don't worry you can make friends no problem wherever you end up, and just relax and have a good time. Try out living on campus your first year, it's an experince you will regret missing."


Apply for many many scholarships. Don't get discoraged if you don't get somewere. Trust me, you'll be moving back to Georgia. If you want to transfer, transfer early.