When considering a college to attend, it is important to consider your future as well as your lifestyle. Take classes in high school that can give you an idea about what you are interested so that you can better assess what university is best for you. A clear path starting out allows you to better utilize every minute of your experience. Never attend a school because it is where "everyone else is going" because I can assure you that when you arrive there will be other people there as well. Going somewhere that fits you will allow you to meet many new people and force you to make new friends as well as to develope your character. Live on campus! I, as a resident advisor, see the benefits in myself and in my residents everyday! Campus living allows you to meet many people of a diverse background that you may not be able to come in contact with otherwise. It alsohelps you to get more involved in your school. Campus living is designed to build students characters and increase their motivation to do well, and it really is evident.
Do what makes you happy and proud, go to a school with an environment that you feel you will succeed and be free to be yourself.
Tour the campus in an open house, and then go back one day around lunch by yourselves. Take time to talk to students walking around and ask them about their likes/dislikes and major. Also, talk to the professors in your core major classes, and try to ask students in the building about the quality of the faculty. Ask if they have a favorite class so far there and a favorite teacher, go talk to that teacher.
Another point, ask the students about where they stay, and meal plans, and if they like their choices and if they have any reccomendations. Pick up any and all information regarding major course curriculiums, and general education requirements. Ask about what is expected of the student in the major.
Get to know your roommates and get involved on campus in a club, sport, or other activity. Getting out of the room and having fun makes college just that much more enjoyable. Don't be a hermit and stay in your room all of the time, there is a whole world to be had outside of your dorm.
I think that the best advice I would give to parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to choose the college that is best fit for your future dreams and goals. A parent should sit down with their child and talk about what they think they would like do to once they graduate from college and then find a college that best caters to those educational needs. I advise for college hopeful students to do plenty of research on schools they think they would like to attend and then go visit those schools. Speaking with people who attend the college or professors who teach at that college may also be helpful.
To make the mose of the college experience, the student should know how to balance school work with socializing. Students should not put aside school work to socialize, although meeting new people in college is important. There are many ways that a college student can plan their time accordingly, by talking to advisors, RA's or peers, about time management.
College can be fun, but make sure you don't have too much fun. You have to do your work too.
Look at the all the schools you are interested in, ask as many questions as you have, and go with your gut feeling on what feels right for you.
Don't limit your search to a few colleges. Keep in mind that you and your needs will change over the next four years, and try to find a program that will help you grow into the best person possible. Talk to current students in a program that interests you, but also find others in other majors; you never know when you'll switch from engineering to political science.
My advice to others choosing out a college would be to search for soemthing that accomodates your needs and accomodates your possible major selections. If your not sure about what you wanna do in life, then by all means come explore at a University that can offer you many possibilities to figure out what you want to do in life. Sit down and compose a list of your likes and dislikes about what you look for in a college. Afterwards begin searching for colleges that fit your criteria . But once you find that college you chose to enroll in, then my advice to you would be to most surely get involved on campus. Not only does it open up great networking opportunities but it also creates friends that will help you thru the hard times thru college. Get out and explore what your university has to offer and then truly you'll be able to exceed as a student and learn tons doing so!!!
College is an exciting time, a time of new freedoms and experiences. This can be overwhelming to some students if they are not prepared for the changes that are to come. One of the ways to prepare for this change and to prevent failure is to select a college that is a correct fit for you. I believe that college selection should be a careful process that involves research and a personal experience of the college, including a visit. Having a specific list of criteria is a must, and compromising on this list can result in an unsatisfactory college experience. Once the student is at college, it can be difficult to find his/her own niche. I found that getting involved in campus activities, such as clubs and volunteer activities can help a student develop a happy and healthy social life which, in turn, leads to a successful college experience. However, it is very important that the student's education remains the first and foremost priority. Prioritizing and establishing a personal schedule gives the much needed structure, and leads to success in both the classroom and in life.
When you look for a college, you want to find out about the intended major and what they can really offer. You also want to look at the prices for housing on-campus and off-campus, and any rules regarding the housing. They should be for the safety of yourself/your child. You should also consider how the campus looks because you don't want to attend a campus that doesn't look nice and professional. Consider finding out where the shopping centers, restaurants, etc. are because you will need to know where they are to go out and they could be landmarks to finding your way around the city. Almost all college students go out and enjoy the night life, so find out what the crime rate is around the campus area and in the city.