University of North Carolina at Charlotte Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Carolina at Charlotte know before they start?


Have fun but yet stay focused!


I think the school you choose needs to be somewhere you will be happy. Location should be taken in consideration, but if it is somewhere you really want to go, distance shouldn't matter. you also need to choose somewhere where you will be able to engage in activites that you enjoy, somewhere where there are lots of choices. Size does matter. Think about whether you want a close-knit group of people or you want to take classes with different people every semester. you need to know whether you will be happy with a big school or a small school. Choose somewhere with options. Even though you are dead set on your major now, you may want to change it. Choose somewhere that will have another major you might enjoy. But be open to new ideas. Don't be afraid to try something new. you may hate it, but then again, it may be the best decision you have ever made.


It not about wich college is the "most popular" or the one where most of your friends attend. It about what college is right for you and your dream. Don't settle for less but also don't go overboard either. To make the most of a college experience you have to go out and explore. While in college, your going to meet the most diverse group of people that you've probly will ever come across in your life. Learn from them and embrace the things you learn form them as well as teach them so they can embrace the things they learn from you. Also college is no fun if your not making good grades so always put your studies first before anything so you cannot say that you regret a thing.


Find the college that is right for you. Be sure to go to the college/university that you are looking at and apply yourself to that college/univeristy before you make a decision. One thing that I did that I think helped me was, I took three days and came down here with my parents and we stayed at a hotel across the street. While I was here I went on campus everyday and got to know students, interacted with them and ever asked questions. Me and my family then took a tour of campus and got to know the campus a little bit better. I advise every parent, and student to get involved in their school first and then make a decision. The biggest peice of advice for any person seeking and making a collge experince the best is to work hard at making it the best. If students come in and don't apply themselves, then college will pass them by; but ones that get involved and make the university thier unveristy will be the ones to succeed and prosper from there experinces gained at the university that they chose!!!


Choose one that gives you a good feeling


Do what feels best in your heart


get involved


I believe that to make the most of college, you should know what you want to do or at least be ready to figure it out. Be prepared to spend a lot of money, make a lot of friends, and do a lot of work. In the end, though, you will have a college degree, and nobody can ever take that away from you.


Decide on the size you want and how far away from home you want to be. Visit the schools before applying and when you feel at home walking around, you've found the college for you!


Go see the college you're interested in a few times and get a good feel for the environment of the campus and surrounding areas.