Students in dorms are, for the most part, very friendly. It is very easy to make friends living in such a close environment. Athletic events are the main thing during the season. The weekend usually begins on Thursday night and that is the case for most students. If you don't drink, then you can do a number of things. There is Lake Thunderbird close-by and other general activities such as bowling and movies are also an option.
Some people invest a lot of time and effort into the Greek system, but I don't. There is really nothing to do in Norman except drink, and even that is heavily regulated by strict, antiquated laws. If not out at a bar, or club, then there is nothing to do in Norman past 10pm. The theater has shown it's last film of the day, and the bowling alley gets old after a few weeks, and that could be considered a type of club/bar.
The most popular organizations are the honors societies and Greek organization. I'm involved with English Club---it's not very big, but it's interesting. We do a book drive every year. Students leave their doors to their dorms open when they're inside their dorms or nearby but not otherwise. Athletic events are extremely popular, theater not so much. Some guest speakers are popular, some aren't. I know nothing about the dating scene. I met my closest friends in the dorms, in English Club, and randomly. At 2 a.m., I'm either studying or wasting time on my computer. I know nothing about traditions/events except Homecoming. People party a lot, but not everyone. Frat/Sororities are important to many, but not to all. Last weekend I worked, did homework, and ate out. On a Saturday night, you can go to the movies or eat. Off-campus, I shop, eat, etc.
Greek organizations seem to be popular.
OU/Texas football weekend is the biggest event each year.
The most popular things at OU are the greek organization, campus activities council, and political groups.
When I lived in the dorms, I left my door unlocked sometimes. Never when I was sleeping, but not because I was scared. I thought one of my friends might bug me. A lot of people left their doors unlocked. It is very safe in the dorms. I felt very comfortable living there.
I met my boyfriend in Intro to Zoology. there are tons of events on campus that allow you to mingle with the opposite sex. I feel there are equal numbers of males and females. Most everyone here is very nice and outgoing. It is very easy to meet people in general.
i met my closest friend on my floor in the dorms. I also met some great friends in Nursing School and through my sorority.
On a tuesday at 2 am I would be in the dorms hanging with everyone else, or leaving the library because thats when it closed.
If you like to party, you will definately find something to do every night. the big nights to "go out" are Thursday and Friday. A lot of people go home on Saturday or have greek date parties. House Parties were a lot of fun freshman year. the bars do not get crowded until 12:00.
I feel like fraternities/sororities are important, but you can find things that suit you if you are not that type. There are so many different types of people here.
About a quarter of the campus is Greek, so it is fairly important. Also, all things relating to football are a big deal.
I was in a sorority while on campus. It is a great experience to get to know lots of different people that I might not have other met otherwise. It also encouraged me to become active on and around campus.
Most dorm floors become very close and have an open door policy.
Football is BIG. of course. There are some really awesome speakers and concerts, which tend to be popular in the spring.
The dating scene is about the parties. Guys ask girls to go to a party. Rarely to dinner or a movie, unless they are actually dating.
I met my closest friends in my major, the dorm and in the sorority house. I am still close with a lot of them.
2am on a Tuesday was totally normal and usually meant my friends and I were goofing around watching movies or talking in someone's room.
Football season, tailgating, OU/TX weekend, Homecoming, U-sing, sooner scandals, the big event, greek rush
Depends on the people. Totally. Some people party 6 nights a week, some never party. I would say the norm is Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Fraternities and Sororities are pretty important, but because they are so big they don't really live up to most people's stereotypes. It's a lot like living in the dorms, but cleaner and with better food.
Sorority Life and Frats are huge on OU's campus. That is where I have met all of my best friends and I don't know what I would do on the weekends if I didn't rush. I am a Tri-Delt and there is a big mix of girls and I love every second of it. "Dry Campus".... Ya ok. So it may be drier than some other campuses but you can find alcohol every weekend at every frat house you go to. No one is forcing you to drink it, but its there. You have to stay in the rooms in case IFC or whatever comes, but ya its there.
The greek system is obviously the most popular organization on campus. I'm in Delta Delta Delta, although I'm not as involved as a lot of my sisters are. When I stayed in the dorms, people would leave their doors open sometimes, but my roommate and I were never comfortable with that. I go to a lot of athletic events, and guest speakers, and theater shows, so with me, yes...those are all popular things. Dating scene. It's pretty good...if you're in the greek system and like to meet people, I don't really know about any other situation. I am from Norman so a lot of my closest friends I still have from high school and my other ones are people in the same major as me. 2 am on a Tuesday...working on a project. People party A LOT. Fraternities and sororities can be a really fun thing if you get involved and have fun with it, although it's not for some people, who have other ways of getting through the college years and having fun. They're a good thing to have mostly for the philanthropic things that go on and all of the community service that goes on because of them. I went to Austin last weekend to visit my parents to celebrate my birthday...21st birthday....yeaaahhhh. You can go bowling...go see a movie...hang out with friends...play games...rent a movie...go out to eat...tons of things to do without drinking.
Groups: PanAm (Pan - American student association) is very popular and known for throwing good parties. Of course football is a big deal so there are groups organized around the team. Also, the diversity here has begun to allow small but lauded groups to pop up.
Group: OU cousins pairs up American students with exchange students. I love it. My cousin is now like a brother to me. His name is Julien and he is from France. We look out for each other and have had some great conversations.
Athletic: This is the Big 12 baby! Football is king in this conference so 85,000 + fans show up at home games. I lose my voice almost every time because of how intense they are. If there is any type of tensions between people, they go out the door here because we are all on that football field.
Guest speakers: These draw the intellectual crowd quite a bit. I love going to these because I learn so much. I skipped classes just to be able to listen to Bill Clinton.
Theater: There is a crowd for the thespian scene. I know quite a few people who go and I have been to one event, shoot I was almost in the event!
Dating scene: Not sure, I am just making friends!
Closest friends: I met them randomly, just by showing up at parties or classes.
2 a.m.: I am going to bed!
Last weekend: My brothers came to visit me and we went to my friend Angelo's birthday party where we dance to a French song called "Les Lecs du Connemara"
Off-campus: I work and eat!
Greek life is HUGE! To get involved on campus, greek society is a great place to start. I met all my closest friends in my sorority and found out about ways to get involved on campus and also received advice about classes to take and classes to steer clear of. Also, Crimson Club Ambassadors is a prestigious group to apply for once you've built up a few activities/offices on your college resume.
Football events are definitely popular and you'll find it difficult to get tickets if you aren't johnny on the spot about signing up at the beginning of the year. Freshman.. you might be out of luck, sorry.
Basketball is not quite so popular. Students go to games, but it is not the community event like football is.
Weekend nights are great in norman. There is always a theatre production on campus or a band/concert on Campus Corner. If you visit Norman, Campus Corner is a must see. There are lots of tasty restaurants popping up all the time. Also, check out the little boutique shopping spots around there.
Off campus, students can go to Lake Thunderbird for waterskiing/wakeboarding/fishing/etc.
Norman is full of excellent eateries, great shopping, fun bars. The Mont is basically a historic landmark. A bar that has been there since way before the dinosaurs. You must go there and get a Swirl.