The fall 2020 acceptance rate for University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus is 70%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
All I would tell myself is to take more initiative to fill out as many college scholarship applications as possible. Financial aid is not a significant source to rely on. Also work harder on grades. National Merit Scholars at my school get their education paid for...this would make financing school so much easier!
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Describe the students at your school.
For the most part everyone seems to at least be driven; most of my classmates are intelligent and friendly. The campus is always buzzing with something to do. There are so many student activities and clubs. It seems like everyone finds something to do to get involved.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Best thing about OU is the deep tradition & the excellence that the university bestows on the value of education. One thing I would change is the parking, parking attendants are really anal. OU is just the right size. People don't react in a negative way when I tell them I am from OU, more in a neutral way. College town for sure, just right out of the big city, but not too far away to be too far. I love OU's administration, David Boren is the best college president in the nation!! Biggest controversy is iSwim, this program that was trying to build a new swimming complex where student parking is. It would have raised tuition and the student body was split half/half on the issue. Tons of school pride! Tradition is a huge thing here, especially among athletics. Nothing really unusual about this campus. I'll remember my time in Delta Delta Delta the most. Greek life is huge here & I really took alot away from it. Frequent student complaints are probably about studying.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Yes. Favorite class is taught by Rufus J. Fears and it's called Freedom In Rome or Freedom in Greece. Least favorite class is Gateway a freshman orientation class. People are always in the library. Yes class participation is a must because we are usually graded on it. I know my friends & I do. Slightly competitive. Unique class is probably Freedom in Rome. I am an art major specializing in Painting. Our art department is probably lacking in comparison to other universities, but they just hired this awesome guy from VCU, Tommy White who has awesome ideas. He makes you want to be a better student. Not really unless I see them around. At OU academics is number one. I would say that it is more geared toward getting a job.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Large size, Meteorology program, distance from home
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
We hate all other schools in our conference especially UT and OSU and we think we are the best at everything.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Most popular groups are the sororities & fraternities, after that is CAC or Campus Activities Council which is in charge of all the campus activities throughout the year. I was a member of Delta Delta Delta, it was a sorority on campus with about 200 members. You go through recruitment in the fall. It's a great experience & a great ways to meet people & get connected on campus. I always left my door open. Athletics are so important. Football is a dynasty here. Guest speakers are pretty popular, I don't know too much about the theater. Dating well dating is a weird thing here. It seems that a lot of people get married right after college, so I guess dating is pretty important. I met my closest friends in Tri-Delta and through other friends. If I am awake at 2 am I am probably studying or finishing a project. Traditions are football games, the medieval fair, student art show. People out every thursday, friday and saturday on campus corner. Fraternities/Sororities are very important, but you don't have to be in one to get connected. last weekend I hung out with my friends & went to a local bar/pub. Saturday night there is plenty going on at the Union & you can always count on your friends to think of something fun. I camp, go to the city, shop, movies, normal stuff.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
Not at all, I have really enjoyed going to school here and meeting new people.
By no means do we ride horses. What is really great about OU is that you are permitted to have cars on campus no matter what your standing is.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
A school that is high in community and offers many opportunities, but sometimes is overly political and only makes those opportunities known/available to certain groups.
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What's unique about your campus?
The campus is amazing. It is kept well trimmed and always full of flowers. Students spend their days playing outside, walking outside or studying outside. Some of my favorite memories include playing frisbee with friends in the open outdoor spaces of campus. There are benches everywhere and fountains constantly running. The Indian Gothic architecture is also stunning. Its just a beautiful campus.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
I consider the emphasis on the Greek system the worst thing about this school for those who are opposed to the Greek system. Social networks revolve around the Greek system.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
Before attending the University of Oklahoma, I wish I would have known how to better handle the number of scholarship, service, and other types of on and off campus activities that are offered on a daily basis. However, I believe this sort of knowledge cannot be attained before coming to college, but must be experienced for one's own self.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
My school is best known for our football team. They are a really good team in the Big 12. To be able to go to the football games is really fun and it is a very good time. Also, University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus is known for our business college. They are a really good business school for students wanting to major in Business.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
No doubt, the area I've chosen as my major, Theatre. I believe I have the best professors who are giving me the tools I will need to succeed in this field. And also, everyone in Theatre is like family because there is a great support system. There is a great understanding of what is expected. There is always plenty of encouragment. It is totally awesome!
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What kind of person should attend this school?
A person that is seeking a good place where they can receive a nuturing education and an extremely satisfying social life.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing about my school would be the parking. Now, I know a lot of people probably complain about parking here and they are working on fixing problems in the near future with more parking garages; however, that does not help the people in the present. I think with the schools increase of the Freshman class they should also increase with the places for people to park and make a complete housing parking permit instead of priority and just the "regular" housing permits. They get enough money through citations anyways.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Growing up in Oklahoma, I often heard about OU. Growing up a musician who preferred math, language, and international studies to alcohol-fueled parties, I disliked everything I heard. "EVERYONE there is Greek. If you're not Greek at OU, you're a nobody." "OU is a joke, all anyone ever does there is party." I think it's understandable that I developed quite the prejudice against the university; however, I was nonetheless incredibly mistaken and misguided.
On move-in day, despite spending half the day sick from convincing myself that my world was about to come crashing down around me, I was surprised to meet refreshingly "regular" guys in my hall. We had diverse, interesting majors; we all missed our friends; and none of us were rushing.
Throughout the year, as I made more friends, the stereotypes continued to break down. Of course, I certainly met many people in the Greek system and many others who were part of the party culture - often times, these people were one in the same. More often than not, however, we found common ground, and I now have dozens of friends in fraternities and sororities.
It is true that a fraction of OU students are Greek, and that some heavily rely upon the party culture. However, I don't believe it is significantly more than any other university, and as it turns out, it is entirely possibly to befriend these people without being influenced to change your own lifestyle.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
My parents are both from up north and we moved to Texas when I was 3. So, going so far away from home to go back up north to attend one of their alma maters was definitely not an option for me! Since neither one of them had a preferance of where they would have liked to see me go, it was all up to me to decide. OU was the first campus visit that I made and I had to compare all the other campuses I had visited after to OU. Nothing ever came close. I loved everything about OU and I just had a gut feeling that this was where I belonged. I'm glad to say that I'm so grateful I trusted my instinct because there is absolutely no where else I would rather be.
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Tell us about the food and dining options.
I LOVE to food at OU! There are so many different options that you can never get sick of eating here! For starters, every residence hall tower has a food place right in the bottom of it. Walker has Xcetera, a convenience store that has practically anything a college student could want. Couch has Couch Express, a mini snack bar where you can get grilled cheese, soups, hot dogs, cookies, pretzels, juices, and tons more. Adams has Burger King and Sooner Malt Shop, an ice cream parlor.
Also near the dorms is Couch Cafeteria aka the caf. It was newly renovated and has everything from Asian stir fry, burgers and bbq, pizza and pasta, mexican, greek, fro-yo, a hot bar, Chik-Fil-A, and everyone's favorite, the dessert bar!
The Union has lots of other restaurants in its food court and at Crossroads, a 24-7 restaurant.
Cate Main, is also another food court like option located near the dorms. They make the best chocolate chip pancakes and breakfast burritos there!
There are also great little cafe places scattered around in buildings on campus.
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