I would tell myself to study hard, get good grades and stay positive. I would also tell myself to never cram for a test and second guess myself. Take lots of notes and help other students. Work together with other students and get plenty of rest. Make learning fun and never pu anyone's ideas down.
It is very difficult to give advice to anyone who thinks they already know everything, but I would tell past self to listen to your dad and study computers. If you don't, then you will end up dropping out of college with enough credits for a degree, but no degree and you will end up taking a job as a fork lift operator. The pay will be good, but not good enough. Eventually you will be promoted several times and you will end up working in the IT field, with no degree. Everytime you receive a pay increase and you try to negotiate for more, you will be reminded that you have no formal training, so the company cannot justify paying more money. Each paycheck is a constant reminder that you never completed a degree, but the days in between paychecks you love your job and you love what you do for a living. Eventually you will end up going back to school and if you don't listen to me now, then it will be that much harder for you then because you will have a beautiful wife and child to care for when you go back.
The advice I would give my self in high school if I could go back in time would be to go for it! I would accomplish all my goals and head straight into college verse waiting to the last minute. There are people out there who are willing to help with financial and career questions. Why wait? The career oppurtinities with an education are endless.
I would be more focused in school. I would try harder to maintain my grades so I could be eligible for a scholarship. I work full-time at a low income job. I struggle every month to pay my bills because my bills exceed my monthly income. If I go back to my high school self I would go straight to college out of high school. Sometimes it is so hard and I really want to give up because it is all too much and very expensive. I am trying to hold on and be strong.
I would tell myself to strive to do my best in all coursework. I would also tell myself to never give up. There is nothing that I could not do and it is never too late to recieve an education. Strive to succeed at your very best. Never let anyone tell you that you cannot make it because where you are from. Beat the odds and stay away from stereotypes. Life is hard but you can do it.
I would advice myself to never give up on your dream. I was out of school 7 years before I went back to college. So making sure you have a dream and no matter what happens in your life never give up. Do what you want to do to make yourself happy. Once you get this degree keep going, it will affect your life in the long run. Life has made a lot of changes, kids, and marriage but remember that in order to be successful and provide a great life for your family, finish your degree.
Do better in high school and apply yourself in different areas.
I would have taken the ACT another time. I would have taken the SAT. I would have applied to more scholarships.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would explain to myself that having an education is very important for getting a career. The sooner an education is achieved, the better. I would have encouraged myself to still enlist in the military but while serving, I would have started pursuing my degree. I would convince my high school self that this was the best plan to stick to because it gives more time to get into a position and grow with the company.
The best advice I would give to my high school self is to believe that I can do it. I would tell myself that we are capable and can do anything we work at. I would tell myself to examine our priorities and really focus on what will best help us in twenty years, and what will only be a memory. Lastly, I would tell myself to take pride in our college career but to make sure that we don't take it too seriously. It is important to stop and enjoy it.