I would want to come into college knowing what I would like to do so I can get right into my major core classes instead of having to change my major many times. Also to pick somewhere you will enjoy being and have the college experiences. Also picking a school that I could afford because its so hard paying for school being outof state.
Once I graduated from high school I was on my way to Sam Houston University. But one week before leaving, I found out I was pregnant. If I could go back to that time and talk to myself l would have so much to say that would make the next few years a little easier. First, I would stress that everything is going to turn out for the best. Dont be upset about no longer going to Sam Houston. Instead be excited about Blinn College which is closer to home. Here you can have family support and you will learn everything and more from professors who care about you as a single mother. You will learn not only about your major, but about life as well! Second, I would tell myself that it is alright to take your time with school, as long as you are making good grades and enjoying your time doing it. Third, I would say to soak up every minute with your new child as you can. These past four years have gone by quickly and watching my daughter grow up has been exciting and full of rewards no school could give me.
As a high school senior it is common to assume a level of world knowledge that is unattainable without life experience outside of public schooling and home living. If I could speak to myself as a high school senior I would suggest two things. First, I would comment on the importance of professors in college and their ability to impact a student's life. Consider the classes you select to be more than subject material. Do not take classes, take professors. Their life experience, educational background and professional advice can, if you let it, teach you not what to think but how to think. Find professors who will help you in this respect and take their classes as often as possible. Secondly, know that your life is unique. Strive to be like those you admire, however do not fall into the temptation to become them. Satisfaction and fulfillment comes from contemplating and embracing this uniquely human situation (that is, individualism). Your heart will be restless as you take your life and try to fit it into the mold of another's. Instead, take your life, your mold, and fill it with that which makes it truly come to life.
First off, it's not as scary as our highschool teachers made it out to be, so don't be worried because things are much more laid back. Just because homeowork isn't mandatory. do it anyway!! Otherwise, you'll just get behind and won't understand the material. Also, if they're serving something in the cafeteria that they served the day before, I'd advice you not to eat it. Obtain as many friends as you can; you'll need and want the company and perhaps help. Never forget who you are and what you believe in. If there's something you don't want to do, speak up. One last thing: don't feel bad if you have to drop out of a class. You can always re-take it or maybe even skip it altogether. You might as well be as comfortable and happy as possible.
I have gained life long friendships and skills during my college experience. It has made me a better leader. Being involved on campus also added to my leadership skills. Becoming a leader is very important in the career field that I am going into.
I have gained a determination unlike the kind I had before. In high school, I had the drive to finish so that my mother would be proud. College is for self fulfillment. I am passionate about teaching and about the arts, so why not be a creative writing teacher? I want a career so that I can take care of my children once I and my husband-to-be decide to bring them into this world. I want to be financially stable to handle anything thrown at me. College has also given me that "trial and error" lecture that will help me and my children when they decide to continue their education. I now know a lot of things that I blindly walked into, whether they turned out good or bad, that will aid them along the way. I was alone in my children won't be!
From my freshman year at college, I have made so many friends that I know will continue to be friends for a lifetime. Everyone is very close and cares about each other very much. I have also gotten a whole lot of enjoyment out of being a member of the Women's Soccer team. It is a great group of girls, and being in a sport in general while attending college is a great learning experience and helps to make the transition from high school to college very easy.
Life will bring you many twists and turns as you become older. You must remember that this is not a sprint; you must prepare yourself for the marathon of life. All of your aspirations will eventually come to fruition; however, you must take some time and effort to focus on your education; this will ensure that you are not looking back on all the time that you have squandered saying to yourself, "Why didn't I just get it done in the first place?". Life at college will be enjoyable as well as hard work. These next four years or so, will ensure that you are not spending the next 45 years regretting a decision to put it off. This being said, remember that you can enjoy college life and still attain an honor roll status with some careful planning and balance within your life. Don't let a party tonight take away the life's party that takes place for the rest of your life. Stick with it, and you will find that every sacrifice now, will pay itself off ten fold in the future!
If I was given the chance to go back in time and give myself advice when I was a high shool senior I would have to tell myself to work a lot more over the summer to save up more money, to make sure I really want to be where my college is located, and to get involved in as many campus activities as possible. Ever since starting my college career I've learned that I don't want to be in this kind of campus setting and that I would be better off in the city. Overall, my biggest, most important piece of advice that I would've given myself is to know what I want and not give up on my dreams of achieving it.
If given the chance to speak to my younger self: I would give the advice of living each day to its fullest. Be true to whom you are as a person and that standing up for what you believe in is always the best thing to do. Always go for what you want and never back down, that way you are never disappointed in yourself for not trying your hardest. Also, never back down from something you firmly believe in. Making the decision to stand when everyone else has fallen, that shows true character. Dr. Seuss said it best: "Be who you are and say what you will because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." I feel with this advice I have become someone I can look up to. However, this would have been much helpful advice in high school as well.