University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg know before they start?


I would tell myself that getting a job early would be better when going to college because even if you apply for financial aid, you still need some spending money to go and do some activities. I would also tell myself that college might seem hard and times might get rough, but faculty and staff are supposed to be there to help and and that the first couple of months and or weeks at school may seem nerve-racking, but college is not all about being on your guard.


The only way to learn about life and what life has to offer is to experince it head-on and with a totally positive attitude. I know it's said so many times, but don't take yourself too seriously. God only gives you as much as you can handle, and if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Take pride in the fact that you are continuing your education. College is just one aspect of your life....embrace it, live it to the fullest, continue to be successful, and pay it forward!


I would definitely tell myself to listen to my heart and not my head as far as choosing a major is concerned. Go with the choice that will benefit your future happiness and not convenience, otherwise, you'll always feel like something is missing in your life. Unless you are going for what you want, and this is due to experience, then you are just going to feel hopeless and lost. Don't worry however, for we eventually get out of that rut and land where we're supposed to be!!


I would have to tell myself that it is important to do well and take it seriously. Be open to everything, new friends, new jobs, new anything. It goes by so fast remember to enjoy yourself and don't get mixed up with drama, it isn't worth it. But above all else I would tell myself to take my time and do things right and to follow my intuition, if it doesn't feel right then don't do it.


I completed high school in India. At that time my parents had made the decision of going to the States to study without consulting me. I feel I am competent enough for UPG, the faculty are well-versed in their field and most are willing to help students. However, I feel I am not academically challenged enough. More importantly, the transition was quite rough. I faced alot of racism, both subtle and direct, and noticed most students socialized within their own racial group. This was something quite disillusioning for me. From this experience, if I were a high school senior, I would advise myself to look at all college options in India before considering the USA. This would provide a more sociable and academically stimulating environment for me than at Greensburg.


Try to go for a class you are going to attend


I would say to go visit all of the colleges first before making a decision


Always approach everything with an optimistic, glass half full type of attitude. It's much easier to close yourself off and not make the most out of your experience rather than maintain an open minded attitude towards everything. You want to look back on your college experience and remember it because there is no second chance after this! Get as involved as possible and as early as possible because you can always pull yourself out of clubs and other extracurricular activities rather than wish you had actually tried them out once it 's too late. Also the study habits that you form within the first month of your college experience are going to make or break you, so figure out what works for you right away when it comes to studying because that's more important than going to parties and blowing off class. You are paying for an education, make the most of your money so you look back on your college experience and smile rather than wish you had done things differently!


Make sure you do your research on the schools you want to attend like what programs they have available and what they say about finding jobs for graduates. And visit your school... once you visit a school, you will know if it is right for you or not. You want to feel comfortable where you are because that will be where you make friends, work towards your career, get involved in/off campus, etc. You want to feel safe and be able to get a good start where you go to school. The settings of the campus and the level of comfort you have has a major impact on how you feel and how you perform in school.


Finding the right college is a tough decision. It's a decision that will not only affect the next four years, but the rest of your life. I would suggest to parents and students who are looking to find the right college would be to start searching early on. Start out by making a list of the students interests, size of schools the student wants to attend, how far away from home the student wants to go, and the cost the student is willing to pay. Once those key factors are determined then search for schools that meet that criteria. Also, visit the schools and take full advantage of tours, meeting faculty/staff, sitting in on classes, and even trying out their dining services. Try and get the full feeling on what being a student there feels like. After the student has made the decision of which school to attend, I would suggest to the student to become involved on campus. This is one of the best ways to make the most of your college experience. Joining clubs allows you to meet new people and gives you a little needed break and time to enjoy yourself.