University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg know before they start?


Look into colleges with the major you want. If you do not get into the main campus of a school branch campuses are a good way of starting off with a better GPA, and you are still able to transfer to the main campus. Make sure you visit the campus before committing to attending because you may change your mind on which school you want to attend based on their campus. Join clubs, and be social. By making friends you will have fun at college. You do not always need to go to parties to have fun. Have a few friends over to your place and hang out there. It does not matter how many friends you make, it is about making those lasting friendships because you have to spend the next 4 years of your life with these people, so make sure you pick them good!


I think research is the best thing you can do to prepare for college. Search the internet & ask lots of questions of the administrators at the schools that you are interested in. Research all of the different types of financial aid available in general and at the schools of interest. Find out about the scholarship opportunities at the schools. Research as many scholarships as you can, find the legitimate scholarship sites on the internet and sign up for them. Don't just research the scholarships but apply to as many of them as possible and as often as possible throughout your college experience. You will be surprised at how many scholarships you might be eligible for and even small awards help out a lot financially! Every scholarship you get is one less loan you will have to take out. Understand that if you work hard and play little, you will succeed. Be sure to exercise or take up a comforting hobby to decrease your stress level. Remember that your wellbeing is also important to having a good experience! Be sure that you choose the school that best represents your needs as a student and a person once research is complete.


Make sure you can fit into the campus community and that you will be able to balance your social and academic life.


In the end, College is about obtaining a higher knowladge not only of the world around you but also youself. Higher education serves the purpose of providing detailed information to help you choose what you want to do for the rest of your life, and to choose the right college for you to do that is so very crucial. Take a couple days out of a semester (or a 9 week period) and just visit a college. Take a tour, ask questions, to others and to yourself. if they offer overnight tours do it. Chances are you will be staying with a student and get the feel of the experiance first hand. Never ever be too close minded, or stubborn. Always have your mind open for new ideas and ways of life, you never know what you might like or don't like. Finally do whats best for you, I'm talking to the student here. To succeed in life you need to be true to yourself first, then you can be true to those around you and your school. P.S. I know it will be hard parents but let your kid/kids spread their wings.


If you know what you want to do and are 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} positive that you/your student will not change their major, pick a school that excels the most in that major. However, if there's even the slightest possibility of the student changing their minds, pick a schools that offers a slew of majors, allowing the student to have access to options.


You can't tell if a school is best for you just by the way it sounds. You really need to go and experience it for yourself. Don't follow your friends be your own person. Parents support your child's decision even if you believe its wrong, because usually they'll come home and tell you they want to transfer to the school you wanted them to go to all along. The best thing is to let them make their choices and mistakes (if that may be) on their own.


One main point of advice that I would give to parents/students is that you can never apply for too many colleges when searching for the right school. It's extremely important for prospective students to select the right school for them. Attending college is a life changing experience that will effect the future of all graduates. Students should do extensive research when it comes to attending the right school.


When choosing a college you'll have to do research and visit different campuses in different settings. This is the most important thing that can be done so that a decision can be made. It will give you insight on how the learning experience will differ between large and small schools, schools in the city and schools in rural areas, and the overall general atmosphere of the campus. You'll find that after you do this you can begin to eliminate some of your former choices due to the fact that you know what to expect when you get there. One more important to do when you are visiting the campuses is to talk to the students. Ask them all the questions about the school that you have in mind. Afterall, you will be one of them, so in my opinion, there is no better way to get an accurate answer.


The best advice I can give to students and parents is to start looking early and not to limit themselves. There are so many choices out there. Students should think about what is important to them. What do they want to major in, what kind of campus do they like, what is their social scene. Parents should think of how much is this going to cost, where can I get grants, what fincial aid is avialable. Students should not be afriad of being rejected, it never hurts to apply to a school even if they think they can not get in. Parents should make sure to start the search early so it is not a rush for deadlines and so all options can be researched. Both students and parents should realize education is worldwide and comes in many shapes so the early they start the more likely it is they will find something that fits them perfectly. As for having the best college experience, the only adivice I have is...just that, experience it all. Students should stay open to the possiblities, be a sponge, soak it all up, this is life and life is meant to be lived.


When you chose a college, chose one that you feel most comfortable. If you try and get into a major university and are denied but accepted to a branch campus don't count them out because they can turn out to be the best possible solution.