University of Portland Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Portland know before they start?


To my high school self: be passionate. Learn who you are, and become that person to the strongest ability that you can. Passion helps in college, and in life, through so many different ways. Who cares if someone is going to judge you for this passion you have, they'll judge you also for the passion you don't have. In order to succeed in education beyond school, you HAVE to care about the material you are learning, about where your future lies, and about who you are going to become at the end of these next four years. College isn't just about getting that degree- it's about what life you are going to live. So, while you are in high school (also known as FREE education), learn just who you want to be when you take the next step, because (in more than just one way), you'll be paying for it. So, to my high school self: be passionate.


If I could go back in time and give my highschool self advice, I would tell myself that college is not a place for procrastinating. I will need to prepare for the independence professors give you and the responsibility of being on top of yourself with due dates and tests. To be ready to have to self motivate on getting stuff done in time. I would also advise my high school senior self to not be afraid of letting my comfort zone down by utilizing and engaging in the new surroundings of people and cultures. While college if a place of educational experience it is also one of a social experience. I have not yet found the perfect balance of academic and social life, but I would advise my younger self to not get overwhelmed in the college lifestyle and take everything one day at a time.


"I know your whole life had been traumatizing; loosing your close friend to suicide, numerous of relatives to cancer, illnesses, and mostly the abuse from your mother and father, but keep that resilient mentality because it saved you. You're academically gifted, a social butterfly, and the most caring and humble person. You must know this, mom and papa are extremely proud of you; they admire what you have already accomplished and the dedication to pursue a higher education; they just don't know how to show it, but you must know that they love you. College is a new beginning to a new chapter. It's a whole new world of obsticales that you cannot do alone. Life would be so much easier once you overcome that fear of rejection. I know rejection is something you struggle with, but once you take that innitial step, you will start to experience the "light" in life. You've been in that dark place for too long, and you know that; and you know that college is your only way out. Keep all your options open, because there is an endless amount of opportunities that you are able to accomplish. Good luck! "


I would tell myself to study more in high school and read all the material that is given to you. It is hard to catch up in classes and I wish my study habits were better in high school because they would have carried over into college. I would also tell myself to write in my planner daily and to keep a calendar of all your due dates and tests and be organized. One of my biggest challenges here is I forget when things are due and it makes my life a lot more stressful and more complicated.


Children grow up believing that they are special. They are told by their parents, teachers, and mentors that they have unique skills. I have found that no one has truly special skills. The world is full of people who have similar virtues, talents, and traits. I grew up in a rural community. In my school I was a fantastic musician, student, and leader. People told me I was special. Now that I am at a university, I am surrounded by people who have some of the exact same characteritics that I have prized most in myself. I have found that the best advice I can give my high school slef is "you are not spcial." Once I realized other people were very similar to me, I was able to find that working hard and becoming apart of a community is what really makes you special. The impact you make on other people in thier lives is what makes you special. The extrodinary lies in actions, not traits. If I had known what truly makes me special, it would have made my transition into college easier, and allowed me to invest my time into actions that make me a special individual.


If I could talk to my high school self, I would tell her first, that just because everyone says college is the best time of your life, doesn’t mean they are including freshman year. It is okay to be homesick, but it will go away. You are going to meet a lot of people, not all of them will like you. But that’s okay. The people, who stick with you through the ups and downs, are the ones who matter. Classes will be difficult, but never miss one. Simply by being in class, you are learning. Go to you professor’s office hours, they actually want students to come ask for help or even just talk to them. Get involved: Join sports teams, or intermural. Have movies nights with the people in your dorms when you do not feel like going out. Go to the activities your dorm has. Express your faith, however that might be, and don’t forget where you came from. But most importantly, college is a growing time for you. Don’t be afraid of change. You are allowed to be a little bit selfish. Now, enjoy the journey of getting to know yourself.


Having a younger brother makes answering this question even more realistic. Often times, when giving him advice, I try to shed light on areas that I wish I had known more about even just a year ago. As a college student who successfully made the transition, I would want myself to know that all of the hard work I had done in high school was completely worth it. Studying for tests when others did not and going above and beyong on homework assignments taught me irreplaceable information refarding time management. I would tell myself to keep pushing through the stress and to keep being myself because even when high school can be distracting, ultimately, being prepared for college is completely worth it. On a final note, I would tell myself to not take myself too seriously. Senior year, it was hard for me to not be completely stern about everything from school to allotting time for friends. I would say that although it is important to time manage wotk, it is just as important to make time for fun.


Get to know people. Seriously. Transitioning to college can be an overwhelming time in your life. Even though it might be awkward and uncomfortable, make yourself talk to new people. Chat up that person sitting next to you in your Intro to Philosophy class, say hi to the student in the dorm across the hall from you, ask your professors for help on that paper you are struggling with. Becoming more confident in who you are as a student on your campus will make your college experience so much more rewarding. In those first few weeks, and especially during orientation, get to know the people around you. You will probably feel out of place, lost, and fairly nervous. And so will everyone else. So take the plunge and you just might meet some incredible people.


Do not worry too much. Be excited, and let your excitement fuel your ambition to keep up on your studies but also to make new friends. Moving is hard, especially when you know nobody, but do not be afraid to just find someone to go to the soccer game, study with, or go to lunch with. Making friends will be extremely helpful in all parts of life including studying and just having someone to hang out with or talk to. Also, do not be afraid to make mistakes. That's what college is for. Take a class you're not sure about or one that isn't related to your major but sounds fun. Explore the city, and take a break from studying every once in a while so that you do not overwhelm yourself. College is about making mistakes to find out what you like, who you are, and what you should or shouldn't do. Just enjoy it and take it all in. As cliche as some of this sounds, it really is true, so do not just ignore it or glance over it because these things are actaully important.


If I were to go back to this time last year and give myself some advice about my upcoming college adventure, my best piece of encouragement would to be to stop worrying about the small things in life. This has been the biggest lesson I have learned during my time away in college, and it was something that would have made me more successful in high school. The four years of college go by so fast, and if you are stuck worrying about the small, trivial details of life, you are going to miss out on some of the opportunities college has to offer you. I would aslo encourage myself to go into this new adventure with self confidence. When you embark on this adventure, you leave home and it's comforts behind. You are really out on your own, and if you are not confident in yourself, no one around you is going to be. Self confidnece will bring you success in your academic, social, and career oriented goals.