University of Scranton Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Scranton?


The number one thing I brag about to my friends is the university's campus. The campus is beautiful! Between the Loyola Science Center and all of the dormitories the campus has such a modern/elegant look to it. I also like to brag about our food court. We have a great variety of food to choose from. The food is honestly one of the reasons I chose to go to Scranton.


I brag about the community aspect of my school. Being from Texas, I am miles away from home and the community feeling I get at school is awesome. I love that you can walk down our commons and see many familiar faces. You are always going to see a smiling face down the commons and at least one person will greet you. I brag about our schools commitment to servicing our local community.


i cant brag


I brag about my school being a four year university. It is the best school in bakersfield acedemically. Then I would brag about my school's sports teams because they are competing in division one.




School sponsored events are very interesting. Ice skating, and gatherings are a big time to meet and enjoy the company of other students.


I brag about the community we have at our school, the overall friendliness and kindness. I brag about how our school is definitely putting our tuition back into the school, building up the campus with state of the art facilities. I brag about the well-rounded education I'm receiving, and how my school is helping me secure my future.


The Jesuit Education




The friendships we had the actually turned into a Family.