University of Scranton Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Scranton?


I brag about the community of the school, as mentioned above, and that I learned more about myself than I ever could have anticipated because of this community. The University of Scranton is an excellent school, academically speaking, but more so because of the whole experience it provides for its students. I was never made to feel like I could not be myself. I found a family in Scranton.


The sense of community among my peers.


We are a small but good and connected school


The new buildings they construct on campus and close knit style community.


I would have to say that I talk a lot about the friends I have already made. I like the fact that I chose a small school, it really helped me get to know other people very quickly. I think we have a great campus and its awesome that they have just built new dorms, which I will be in this year, and also a new student center that has a lot to offer. Additionally I am a member of the college hockey team so I get to travel to area colleges and meet up with friends from high school.