University of South Florida-Main Campus Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of South Florida-Main Campus? Why?




The campus police.


The traffic around the school.


Registration can be an issue


The worst thing about my school is parking.


The worst thing would have to be the cost of tuition. It's going up every semseter and it's hard to keep up with it. Financial aid is not helpful any more cause you'll still end up working a full time job to pay for books and other expenses.


I consider the high standards placed on the HESI exam is the worst thing about the College of Nursing at the University of South Florida. I feel like that test should be given, but with less emphasis placed on the test because some people aren't good with taking test.


The academic advising.


It is very difficult to stand out academically when everyone around you is trying to shine brighter than you. Then, when you lose confidence in that arena, your sliding GPA will be looming, and you will be in fear of losing your Finalncial Aid.


The worst thing about my school is that there is a big campus and sometimes it takes a lot of time and energy to get from one class to another. There are buses and shuttles though that can provide transportation and plenty of bike racks.